Tuesday, October 4, 2005

An Act of Kindness

Well I have to post tonight about an amazing act of kindness I have been the recipient of today.

I was very upset with what happened at the mall to Parker and posted on the Cropper's Cottage board and on my Scrap Jazz design team boards just to vent a bit. I needed to get it out as I was still hurt and upset by the whole event. And feeling very guilty for making Parker bring his Leapster.

Today, a fellow designer on Scrap Jazz emailed me asking if she could help me by sending me some money to offset the cost of a new Leapster for Parker. I didn't know what to say as I couldn't imagine anyone doing that for me..let alone someone who didn't know me very well at all!! And I think it's even harder when it's normally me wanting to help others..and my friends. But here a change in roles and my being offered help.

I could tell that she wanted to do this as she too is a Mom and has a 6 year old son..and said he loves his Leapster too! So..I agreed and didn't know how to say thanks enough. She has so generously given to me that she in herself paid for Parker's new Leapster and case! Amazon had just put them on sale and I was able to get both a Leapster and case for $54.99. So I bought Parker his Thomas game, which he had just gotten for his birthday and loved and one more new one to save for Halloween for a special treat.

I am just blown away by the kindness and generosity that she has offered to me and to Parker and hope many wonderful things come her way for this incredible good deed!!

You know who you are..and I can't thank you enough!!

"To give without any reward, or any notice, has a special quality of its own."
-- Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

"A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer."
-- Seneca


PS..I of course will post some pics of Parker with his new Leapster when it arrives!

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