Wednesday, February 16, 2011

These clowns are not funny.

Call this the republi-clowns gone wild post. WTF? Republican governors calling the po po idiots, and elected leaders telling the working man that if budget cuts causes him to lose his job, "so be it"? Yes, if you can't feed little Johnny and if you lose that house to foreclosure, it's all on you. You should have started a business when you went into the work force. Busting your ass while serving your government is just no good. Next time become a politician. (Whenever I think of poli-tricksters I think of that song by Dire Straits .)

Here is the thing about John Boehner, though. The man is actually sending about $450 million in earmarked "pork" to his own Ohio district while he gives his cut em high and cut em low speech. (We are talking a million jobs if tan man gets his way.)I swear, if honesty was a bed that man would never sleep. Well, unless it was a tanning bed.

And then there is that other republi-clown from Ohio:

"In a speech last month Ohio Gov. John Kasich emphatically referred to a police officer who ticketed him for a driving violation as "an idiot."

Kasich, now the Republican governor, was ticketed on Jan. 11, 2008, for "approaching a public safety vehicle with lights displayed" on Route 315 in Columbus and later paid an $85 fine. But he was not happy about it.....

"Have you ever been stopped by a police officer that's an idiot," Kasich asked the seated audience, pausing his speech as he moved around the room. "I had this idiot pull me over on 315. Listen to this story. He says to me, he say, uh, he says you passed this emergency vehicle on the side of the road and you didn't yield."

"I said, officer I, are you kidding, I didn't, I didn't see any, I didn't even see any, where the heck was it?" a stammering Kasich recalls. "The last thing I would ever do would be to pass an emergency, are you kidding me?"

View full sizeAP fileOhio Gov. John Kasich, shown in a 2010 photograph.
"He says, 'Well I understand that. Give me your license,'" Kasich continues. "He goes back to the car, comes back, gives me a ticket and says you must report to court, if you don't report to court we're putting a warrant out for your arrest."

Then Kasich stills himself and bellows, "He's an idiot! We just can't act that way. What people resent are people who are in the government who don't treat the client with respect.'" [Source]


Finally, Tucker Carlson joined the wingnuts gone crazy parade by saying that the first lady wants to "raise your children at GUN POINT." To Tucker, there is nothing like a gang banging first lady to scare your children into doing things her way. It's what they do in Chicago. They might be living in the White House, but those two Negroes are still representing the South side.

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