Saturday, February 19, 2011

What did they do to deserve this?

Now that we know that former Chicago Bear, Dave Duerson, committed suicide, I hope that the "billionaire boyz club", otherwise known as the NFL, will take note. Duerson joins a growing list of former players who took this route to self destruction. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a direct correlation between concussions and what is happening to these former players. I just hope that more groups will come out and hold the league accountable.

And, speaking of holding people accountable, there are 235 people down in Washington that A-merry-cans should be holding accountable. These folks just voted to slash the federal budget by 61.5 billion dollars. Of course they didn't have the guts to touch Social Security or Medicare and *Medicaid. That would have taken something that they don't have: Integrity, and the courage of their convictions.

Those 235 poli-tricksters remind me of the bully that goes to the playground looking for a fight, and ignores the bigger kids shooting hoops and heads straight to the swing and jungle gym to pick on the smaller kids.

Sesame Street, (goodbye Big Bird) job training programs, the EPA, food nutrition programs for children, and Head Start. These are all the smaller kids on the playground. It's always easy to pick on children and poor people; they can't afford lobbyist.

"Remember, this is historic," Cantor told reporters after leaving a closed-door Republican conference meeting at which lawmakers were hashing out their differences on the cuts. "The level of cuts here have not taken place in Congress since World War II. That's how big these cuts are. We have now produced a working document, a bill that will be brought to the floor, that will make history again."


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