But here are two:
Yesterday morning, as I approached the pick-up window, I saw this wonderful sight to my right: "Mr. Snowbucks," as I have named him, created by one very clever barista whom I will call "A." The cute, pleasant girl at the window said it took A. 5 hours on his day off to work his snowbucks magic.
A., I can't exactly explain why, but you totally made my day! I also don't know why you would choose to spend most of your day off making a snowman adorned with Starbucks paraphernalia, but you are awesome. If you did this to impress some girl, I hope she appreciates it.
After work, it occurred to me that Dad has never tasted Starbucks before, so I decided it was high time. Therefore, I returned to that same Starbucks before driving to my folks' in order to present Dad with a Starbucks happy birthday elixir of love and happiness.
What did I order, you ask? A DECAF caramel macchiato. (Yes, I am a good daughter. It would have been pretty fun to see how spry he might get had I ordered fully leaded, but my mom might have killed me.)
Anyway. Here he is having his first sip. And just as an aside, his name is Virgil, but people who know him well have always called him "Bud," and lately, my girls have taken to calling him by his rap name, "Budizzle," and my mom, Lucille, by hers, "Lucizzle."
So here's a big Starbucks toast to Budizz on his 88th! Love you, Dad!
Aren't they cute?
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