Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Friends & Feathers

Last week our cockatoo friend Viola went back to her home.
Even though she could be as demanding as a toddler (and much louder),
most of the time her presence was delightful and very entertaining.
By the way, I didn't know that cockatoos love cuddles so much!
Seba fell completely under her spell, and after taking dozens of photos
he has already created two portraits of Violaone of which now hangs 
where her cage used to stand. This post is dedicated to him and to 
all bird lovers, and naturally to our beautiful feathered friends.

Beatrice Alemagna, illustration from Jo singe garçon

 Clive Hicks-JenkinsKevin and the blackbird's nest

Dilka Bear, New Moon, thanks to magpie and whiskeyjack

 GrapeFrogg, You Could Stay There

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