Thursday, November 24, 2011

Plurality of Voters Want Supreme Court To Overturn Obamacare

By Susan Duclos

According to a Quinnipiac University poll, by a margin of 48 percent to 40 percent, a plurality of American voters want the Supreme Court, who recently agreed to hear arguments over the constitutionality of Obamacare, to overturn the controversial healthcare law that Democrats in control of both chambers of Congress at the time passed and Barack Obama signed into law against the opposition of the majority of Americans.

Overall, voters oppose the law by 48%-40%, according to the Quinnipiac University survey. Democrats support the Obama health care effort by 70%-19%, while Republicans oppose it by 86%-8%.

The Quinnipiac survey found independent voters opposed to the law by 45%-38%.

Campaign 2012 points to another portion of the poll:

Of course, the Court does not decide cases by popular opinion, but Congress often does, and the numbers there are no better. Asked, "Do you think Congress should try to repeal the new health care law, or should they let it stand?" 47% said the law should be repealed. Only 41% want Congress to let it stand. Back in May voters narrowly rejected repeal 45% to 44%.

These polling numbers, not only from Quinnipiac, but supported by other polling organizations such as Gallup and Rasmussen, will not influence the Court itself and it shouldn't because the Supreme Court Justice's must use the law and not opinion in their judgments, but the continuing opposition of Obamacare by the American people could be indicative of a populace that will hold the issue of Obama and Democrats' healthcare law against them in the 2012 elections.


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