Day after tomorrow it will be five years since I began what Chez would call "my little experiment." My header initially read, "With just a bit of trepidation, a sixtyish wife, mother, grandmother, Lutheran, thinker and quilter enters cyberspace." The trepidation is long gone, and the rest has stayed pretty much the same.
I started my blog for me, not for anyone else. And I still maintain it for me, not for anyone else. Of course I love it that I have "followers," and that I have regular and irregular readers who drop in to see what's going on, and most of the time I love it that they take the time to comment.
In the past few days, though, I've received some comments via email rather than directly on the blog from some [apparently Republican] people who just don't like it that I wholeheartedly support President Obama; who somehow can't seem to bear the fact that President Obama (yup, there's that name again!) was able to carry out what George Bush couldn't. I hear you, my [apparently Republican] friends, followers, and relatives. I hear you. But, it just feels so darned good, so refreshing, to have a President I am proud of, a President I feel good about (even though I, like nearly everyone else would rather have had Bin Laden taken alive and brought to trial), that I need to post about it from time to time. During the eight seemingly endless years of the reign of George W. Bush, I refrained from heckling you and pointing out what a miserable failure he was. If you don't like my infrequent posts that are political in nature, do what my own daughter does when I write about quilts, skip over them! And if you really feel strongly, get yourself a blog and write your side of it there!
It's my blog, and its content reflects who I am: wife, mother, grandmother, Lutheran, thinker, quilter and -- reflected in my profile now as of today -- liberal Democrat.
And COW*.
*Cranky Old Woman, feeling extra cranky today
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