Monday, May 9, 2011

Mr. Speaker, why would you flood out the people of Cairo?You know that black folks can't swim.

It must really suck to be the most famous birther, Mr. Bad Hair, these days. Has anyone heard from him lately? I am afraid that my man might be thinking about jumping from one of his towers. Donald, I hope your timing in business isn't as bad as your timing in politics, because, if it is, I am sure that there are some very nervous bankers out there. Thank you Kevin Allen, for confirming what we have long suspected.

Staying with the birther theme; I see that my Indian American friend down in Bayou country is having some birth certificate issues of his own. What goes around comes around Bobby. I am sure you were born in A-merry-ca, but, as a child of immigrants, you might need to be a bit more sensitive with this issue in the future.

Finally, speaking of stuff coming back to bite you; it seems that the folks in the Cairo, Illinois area are experiencing a little bad karma these days. You remember those folks, right? They were the ones that had that public lynching of Will "Froggy" James back in 1907. And they were the ones who chose to put cement over their municipal pool before they let you Negroes swim in it.

So anywhoo, we fast forward fifty years or so and now Cairo is a town made up of mostly you Negroes. It is a poor town, but you Negroes chose to stay there, because, let's face it, where else were you going to go?

Here comes the mighty Mississippi, and rather than flood out the town of Cairo and its Negroes, the Army Corp of Engineers decided to blow up a levee and flood out valuable farmland belonging to white folks to save you Negroes in Cairo. The horror!

As is to be expected, some folks were not pleased. "What? Flood valuable farmland to save a bunch of Nig...I mean Negroes?" I am paraphrasing here, but that was Missouri's republican speaker of the house weighing in on the subject. Wait, I have a direct quote, let me give it to you:

"Missouri's Republican House Speaker Steve Tilley was asked by reporters about the dilemma. "Would you rather have Missouri farmland flooded or Cairo underwater?" Tilley is asked.

Without hesitation, he replies, "Cairo. I’ve been there. Trust me. Cairo.” [Source]

I have never been there Mr. Tilley, but I think I know what you saw.

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