"Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”says the Lord."~ Romans 12:19~
Well, yours and the people of A-merry-ca. They can avenge, too, right? At least I think they can. Osama bin Laden was a really bad guy, and he was responsible for the deaths of a lot of people. Truly evil. So when that SEAL split his wig I thought it was cool for us all to have a party. Now I am having second thoughts, because even though I am not too sure about you there big guy, I am thinking that maybe there is something to this revenge thing only being reserved for certain people.
I didn't lose a family member or a loved one on September 11th, and I suspect that the hundreds of thousands of people who were celebrating Sunday night didn't either. But yet, they took joy in knowing that the man who has made life so miserable for them (miserable being a relative term) over the past ten years will never live to see that long beard of his ever again.
Long lines at the airport. Parking spaces taken away to make room for security barriers. Background checks for $8 an hour jobs. Big Brother data banks that can access our personal records. This is all OBL's fault. Some of you would have pulled the trigger your damn selves for those inconveniences.
There is a reporter in my town- who I consider a friend- who thinks that the folks breaking out in cheers and chants of U.S.A.! U.S.A.! after hearing of OBL's death was a bit much:
"When I told my husband what I was planning to write, he offered a furrowed-brow warning.
"You may not want to go there."
Too late, honey.
See, while I may feel uneasy writing this, it's still not as bad as the uneasiness I felt hearing fans at the Phillies game break into a chant of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" after news broke of Osama bin Laden's killing the other night.
Our brave soldiers had taken down an elusive enemy - finally. They had won.
But somehow, the red-meat celebration that erupted at the game, outside the White House, and at Ground Zero left me feeling troubled.
Cheering death? Really? [More of her article]
"You may not want to go there."
Too late, honey.
See, while I may feel uneasy writing this, it's still not as bad as the uneasiness I felt hearing fans at the Phillies game break into a chant of "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" after news broke of Osama bin Laden's killing the other night.
Our brave soldiers had taken down an elusive enemy - finally. They had won.
But somehow, the red-meat celebration that erupted at the game, outside the White House, and at Ground Zero left me feeling troubled.
Cheering death? Really? [More of her article]
Yes Annette, really. "Red-meat" celebrations are reserved for terrorist, despots and serial killers. Although I don't remember us breaking out in such celebrations when Saddam had to jump with that rope around his neck. I guess we didn't think he was responsible for 911 after all. But, as is the case with so many other things, timing when you kill an evil doer is everything.
This couldn't have come at a better time for us here in A-merry-ca. The folks needed a little red-meat, they haven't been eating here in A-merry-ca like they are used to. A little OBL meat is all they needed. "Revenge is a dish best served cold", and these folks would have eaten that meat right out of the refrigerator.
But, take comfort Annette, you are not alone, there are others who feel just like you. Most of them hang on to the big guy's every word and pray to him every chance they get. They are called Christians.
*Pic from the New York Daily News.
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