My first post, Having Fun With Intentionality, still holds meaning for me. Over these five years, I/we have had a lot of fun, and a good bit of it has been with intentionality. To say that blogging has been a thoroughly satisfying experience would be an understatement.
Of course, for any birthday celebration there have to be presents. I'm going to give one -- I just don't know what it is yet. Leave a comment (and don't publicize this give-away, please -- I want it just to be for those of you who read regularly. Or semi-regularly. Or occasionally.) and on Saturday I'll draw a random number for the winner of the give-away.
Now, if you by chance would want to give me a present to celebrate my blog's birthday, I'd be delighted! Here's what I'd like: If you self-identify as a Cranky Old Woman or if you sympathize with COWs, please make a 9-1/2" unfinished quilt block with a cow appliqued, embroidered, or pieced on it, with a signature of some sort visible on the block (not in the seam allowance or on the back). Or even a regular block pieced from cow fabric. I want to make a COW quilt. For me. And I'd love for you to be part of it. If you are interested in helping me out with this, let me know what kind of block or scraps I can send you in exchange.
And you don't have to make a block to enter the give-away.
On to Year Six!
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