Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thank you Mr. Lincoln. I think.

I know that it has been almost a month since Lincoln's birthday, but it seems that, once again, A-merry-ca is struggling with some uncomfortable truths about one of her icons.

"McLEAN, Va. – Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has inspired Americans for generations, but consider his jarring remarks in 1862 to a White House audience of free blacks, urging them to leave the U.S. and settle in Central America.

"For the sake of your race, you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people," Lincoln said, promoting his idea of colonization: resettling blacks in foreign countries on the belief that whites and blacks could not coexist in the same nation.

Lincoln went on to say that free blacks who envisioned a permanent life in the United States were being "selfish" and he promoted Central America as an ideal location "especially because of the similarity of climate with your native land — thus being suited to your physical condition."

As the nation celebrates the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's first inauguration Friday, a new book by a researcher at George Mason University in Fairfax makes the case that Lincoln was even more committed to colonizing blacks than previously known. The book, "Colonization After Emancipation," is based in part on newly uncovered documents that authors Philip Magness and Sebastian Page found at the British National Archives outside London and in the U.S. National Archives.

In an interview, Magness said he thinks the documents he uncovered reveal Lincoln's complexity.

"It makes his life more interesting, his racial legacy more controversial," said Magness, who is also an adjuct professor at American University.

Lincoln's views about colonization are well known among historians, even if they don't make it into most schoolbooks. Lincoln even referred to colonization in the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, his September 1862 warning to the South that he would free all slaves in Southern territory if the rebellion continued. Unlike some others, Lincoln always promoted a voluntary colonization, rather than forcing blacks to leave. "

There is nothing new to see here. I blogged about this two years ago, and Lerone Bennett, Jr. has been saying this and writing about it to anyone who is willing to listen. But this is A-merry-ca, we can't handle the truth. Not when it might throw off our rather canned narrative about who we are as a people.

So here we go again; another historian brings it up and we will collectively go into defense mode. Why shouldn't we? "Honest Abe" meant so much to us. He saved the union and freed the slaves. Yes, he harbored certain views of blacks, but we must understand the context of the time in which he lived......

Anyway, A-merry-ca can't deal with uncomfortable truths right now, we have too much on our plate. Besides, we are trying to move beyond this little issue of race. Trying. I bet if "honest Abe" was here he would know what to do.

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