Saturday, March 26, 2011

Porn star!

I see the man with the porn star "stache" said that O isn't qualified to be President. Isn't that special? This from a man who worked for George W. Bush.

But we all knew that John Bolton was an idiot. In case you all forgot, let me help you remember:

This is a man who jeopardised the "six party talks" with North Korea, and almost set the world on a course of nuclear destruction. He is a fierce partisan and he politicized A-merry-ca's intelligence apparatus with the UN. He was responsible for dismantling the International Criminal Court. He pushed for the defunding of programs that curbed nuclear proliferation in the world. He lied about Cuba having biological weapons, and he was one of the people responsible for the fake yellow cake story about British intelligence determining that Iraq had tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger. We all know how that worked out. Oh, and did I mention that he lied to the United States Senate?

"There is no such thing as the United Nations. There is only the international community, which can only be led by the only remaining superpower, which is the United States."

Move over John Holmes. Leave it to W to appoint someone to be the United States Ambassador to an organization that he doesn't believe in.

Anyway, I hear he is gearing up for a presidential run. He will fit right in with the cast of characters lining up for the GOP ticket. Just one one more porn star in in a very dirty political movie.

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