Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"The Ladies Man"

Hey guys, the next time you get caught cheating on your significant other, you might want to hit up our boy Newt Gingrich for advice.

“There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate" [Source]

Translated: I am a lying cheating scumbag who cheated on my first two wives, but because I am a fraud masquerading as a patriot I want you to ignore all of my past indiscretions. Oh, and I left both of my wives while they were sick. My first wife was recovering from cancer and my second was just diagnosed with MS. But please don't think about that while I run for president.

Look, I know it's Ash Wednesday, and I don't want to rip my Catholic friends, (Lord knows that they are having a bad enough week.) but Newt actually asked that church to annul his marriage to his second wife. Apparently Newt is a born again Catholic, and the church actually took him into their fold. Nice. On his way to becoming a good Catholic he took a shot at his O- ness by calling his values "anti Catholic." OK, whatever, but Obama is still married to his first wife, has never cheated on her, (not as far as I know) and, from all appearances, he seems to have a wonderful family. So when it comes to values I am going to take his O- ness over the cheating scumbag with the forked tongue every time.

Finally, speaking of forked tongue, I see that Peter King has some splaining to do when it comes to his sudden tough stance on terrorism.

"Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) has become one of Congress' strongest voices on the threat to the U.S. from Islamic terrorists. But as his hearings into the radicalization of American Muslims kick off, King's past support for a different kind of terrorist organization — the Irish Republican Army — has come under the spotlight. The New York Times reports that King pledged in 1982, when he was a Long Island comptroller, to support the "brave men and women" of the IRA as they "struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry." King explained that the situation was different, as the IRA never attacked the U.S. [Source]

"Different"? Oh, I get it, some terrorist are worse than others because they don't attack us. Try telling the British that they (The IRA) are different. I love wingnut equivalency, they make it look so easy.

Just like they do when switching wives.

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