Thursday, March 3, 2011

The boys in blue. (Not red)

Oh my, what is happening in A-merry-ca? "Bye, bye, Ms. American pie", indeed. I thought that only bad ghetto children killed their parents? Apparently this type of depravity and villainous behaviour is not limited to those other people's children. Sometimes even real A-merry-can children can do bad things.
Anywhoo, speaking of bad things; I see that my friend Mr. beckkk is at it again. (No more caps for his name, he is not worthy.)

Today he tried to call out the unionized police officers in A-merry-ca, because he said that they were aligning themselves with Mumia Abu -Jamal. Talk about desperate measures. This man --and the people who employ him- have no shame, and just when we thought that they could go no lower, they do.

First, let me say for the record, that I think Mumia Abu-Jamal is guilty. I think he shot Philadelphia police officer, Daniel Faulkner, on the morning of December 9, 1981, here in Center City, Philadelphia. I did not come to that decision lightly, because, at first, I wanted to believe that he was innocent. But I have read voluminous records on the case and I am a colleague of Judge Albert Sabo's former law clerk--- who happened to be his clerk during the trial. So you can take from that what you will. Having said that, the trial itself could have been handled much better, and I do not believe that Abu-Jamal should be put to death for his crime because, quite frankly, I do not believe in the death penalty.

So here comes beckkk thirty years later. He is trying to use the one name that he knows will fire up the boys in blue to push his political agenda, and it's shameful how he is trying to do it: By using the connection between unions and certain progressive groups and pulling the two together to try and make a connection to Abu-Jamal that only he can see in his dark and twisted mind.

All of this, of course, was brought on because beckkk and company saw the massive showing of support from the boyz in blue up in Jersey for their union brothers and sisters, today. That was enough to scare any conservative out of his or her mind. Governor Krispy Kreme was nowhere in sight, and he called his own news conference where he called the union rally a "me first" rally. Nice.

I hope he feels that way when he gets stuck in his kitchen while his home burns and he needs one of those "me first" people to save his rather large ass.

Obviously A-mery-ca isn't believing the hype that FOX (and their friends) are trying to push on the rest of us. The one that says unions are bad and big business is good. So what do they do? They pull out all the stops and dig deep into their dirty bag of tricks to try and sway the rest of us.

Well, I am happy to report that it's not working. Not yet. Sadly, the right has just begun to fight.

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