Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Turn!

1. Which Wizard of Oz character are you most like?

Although I had a co-worker who regularly called me "Glinda," I would say I'm more like the Tin Man. I feel this way especially lately since I have no desire to see Blind Side. I don't like feel-good movies. Must be in need of a heart?

2. When you're deciding what you're going to wear each morning, which item do you select first? Why?

My top because I have more of a selection than pants/skirts, and my choice usually expresses in some way how I'm feeling that day. And for the record, black does not mean I'm feeling depressed. It means I'm feeling good.

3. What kind of animal do you think the world could live without?

This is easy. I HATE crocodiles and alligators. I would like to personally kill them all.

4. How many Christmas trees are in your home?

Two and 1/8, one regular sized in the family room, one tall and skinny near my black and white wall in my dining area and 1/8 of one which is old-school silver and sits on a pass-through (like a window cutout) between kitchen and family room.

5. Would you prefer to be emotionless if it mean you didn't have to feel a heartbreak?

Yes. I know; that sounds odd and depressing. Notice it didn't say "sadness," it said, "heartbreak." I don't handle heartbreak well. I'm also odd in that if I had the choice right now whether to have been born or not, I would choose "not." Just being honest. Please do not tell me to watch "It's a Wonderful Life." I know I was supposed to be born and all. I get the big picture. I'm just saying how I feel.

6. Do you ever experience holiday let-down or depression?

Yes. My, aren't these happy questions? Heartbreak, nonexistence and depression all in a row. Everybody follow me to the party!

7. Do you like Michael Jackson's music?

Yes. I'm listening to it right now as I type this from my playlist below. "Won't-you-please-let-meeeee backinyourheart." Love it.

8. Why is it that we never judge people who have their teeth fixed for cosmetic reasons, but every other cosmetic procedure has a stigma?

I don't know; that's why I asked this. It truly puzzles me. And although I've never had braces, I do love to whiten. I'm all about painting the barn and have no qualms about saying or doing so.

9. Enjoy horseback riding?

Yes. I didn't get to this summer. Maybe next summer.

10. Shoes--practical or stylish?


11. What was the name of your first pet? Feel free to post a pic.

Bobby Bird. Blue parakeet who absolutely loved to sit on my head. We have 8mm movies of me dancing and jumping like a maniac, and Bobby is hanging on for dear life.

12. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done?

ZERO percent. Why are you stressing me out?

Tomorrow: a post about Facebook.

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