A- Adam & Eve
Objectives: The children will be able to
- identify the first man and woman God created
- retell the story of Adam & Eve
- discuss how people are free to choose and are responsible for their decisions
Prayer and questions from last week’s lesson
Vocabulary Words:
Adam & Eve Word Wall- Word wall templates are large flash card printables that you can hang on the wall to aid children when they are learning or using new vocabulary words.
Circle Time:
Read story: “Adam and Eve” from Bible story book. Or while reading the story do cut outs from "The Fruit Tree" Snip-And-Tell Bible Stories by Karyn Henley, page 11 - 14) as the story unfolds.
Then ask questions from below.
1. Who was the first man? (Adam)
2. Who was the first woman? (Eve)
3. Where did Adam and Eve live? In the Garden of ________. (Eden)
4. What did God tell Adam and Eve not to do? (Not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge)
5. What would happen if they did? (They would die)
6. Who told Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? (The snake)
7. Who gave the fruit to Adam to eat? (Eve)
8. Why did Eve disobey God? (Because the snake told her to)
9. What did Adam and Eve do to get sent out of the Garden of Eden? (They ate fruit from the Tree of Knowledge)
10. Who guarded the Garden of Eden so that no one could ever go into it again? (angel)
Songs and/or Finger Plays:
Introduce songs and/or finger plays: Who was the first man and first woman?
kididdles.com- Adam Was a Gardner (song)
dltk-bible.com- Adam and Eve Song
heartofdakota.com- Adam and the Animals (scroll down to this finger play), page 2
kidz-under-construction.com- Adam and Eve (finger play)
hennypenny.ourjunction.com- Adam and Eve Song (page 2)
lapbooklessons.com- Adam & Eve (lots of activities to choose from)
christainpreschoolprintables.com- Adam & Eve (2 pages of activities)
hennypenny.ourjunction.com- Adam and Eve lesson
dltk-bible.com- The Story of Adam & Eve lesson with memory verse, teacher's guide, puzzles, take home sheet, coloring pages, crafts and activities, etc.
southfloridachurch.org- Adam, Eve and Me lesson (4 & 5 year olds)
southfloridachurch.org- Adam & Eve lesson (4 & 5 year olds)
missionarlington.org- Adam & Eve (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
missionarlington.org- Adam & Eve (scroll down to Preschool Lesson)
Introduce craft: What did Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge? Who told Eve to do this?
Need: Red poster board, brown pipe cleaners, green construction paper, tape
Directions: Pre cut a large apple from red poster board and cut out worm hole for finger to poke through from back. Have students cut out leaf drawn on green paper. Teachers tape brown pipe cleaner (stem) and leaf on back of apple.
freekidscrafts.com- Sleepy Snake from Pantyhose
familyfun.go.com- Heat Saving Snake (nice video) with directions posted below video.
crafts.kaboose.com- Hanging Snake
confessionsofahomeschooler.com- Giant Bubble Snakes
dltk-kids.com- Fingerprint Apple Tree
Garden of Eden Story Wheel- Children turn their story wheel dials to retell the Bible story they learned over and over again. (Preschool Christian Crafts by Linda Standke. Directions on page 37 - 39, craft template on page 40 & 41.)
hennypenny.ourjunction.com- Adam & Eve Story Wheel (scroll down to page 5)
psscentral.com- Adam & Eve Lapbook
lapbooklessons.com- Adam & Eve lapbook (this page is full of resources you can use to make your Adam & Eve Lapbook)
Adam & Eve Story Wheel:
This craft is free, however it can only to be used for classroom and personal use. It may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit. All graphics/images/clipart etc. used on this craft are not my own and are from various internet sources.
Directions: Print the top and bottom wheels out on cardstock. Cut out wheels. Cut out apple shape (not stem and leaves) on the inside line edge. Have children color wheels. Attach a brass fastener through the center of both wheels. On the back of the bottom wheel attach a strip of cardstock (at least 1 inch wide and 6 inches long) leaving half extended over the side (so you can turn the wheel). You can also draw an arrow on the top side of the strip on the end to indicate which way to turn the bottom wheel.
Adam & Eve Story Wheel (top)
Adam & Eve Story Wheel (bottom)
Introduce game: Who was the first man and first woman?
baptist-church.suite101.com- Pass the Apple & Animal Charades (scroll down for these two games)
Introduce games: What did Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge? Who told Eve to do this?
These games are free, however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.
Hisss: The colorful snake making card game for younger students.

Directions- Print Directions out and keep with Game Cards.
Game Cards- Print Game Cards out on card stock. Cut out Game Cards on the lines provided. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.

Adam & Eve File Folder Game: A fun way to review the Bible story.
Directions- Print out Directions, cut it out, and glue on front of file folder.
Game Board- Print out Game Board, trim, and glue on the inside of the file folder. Make sure the directions are on the front of the file folder. Laminate or cover file folder with clear contact paper to make it last.
Question Cards- (Questions are in MS Word and can be changed easily to whatever you want. Feel free to change the questions or use your own.) Print out Question Cards on card stock. Cut out Question Cards. Laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.
Introduce snack: Who told Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge? The snake.
pillsbury.com- Silly Snake Dogs
A cute snack that you can make with a hot dog inside the breadstick or without.
dltk-kids.com- Chocolate Snake
jas.familyfun.go.com- Slippery Snake Cake
Introduce snack: What did the snake tell Eve to eat? The fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.
dltk-kids.com- Apple Snack
More Letter A Snacks-
Angel Food Cake, Animal Crackers, Apple Fritters, Apple Juice, Apple Sauce, Apple Pie, Apple Tarts, Artichoke, Asparagus, Avocado, Apple Jacks (cereal), etc.
Apples with caramel dip
Apple Bites
Apple Cartwheels
Applesauce cups
Apple Cheese Bites
Prayers while students are doing worksheets and/or coloring.
christianpreschoolprintables.com- (coloring)
dltk-bible.com- Adam & Eve (mini books)
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Adam and Eve mini books (scroll down for these)
Adam The First Man (mini book)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 6.
lambsong.co.nz- “Adam and Eve Don’t Touch That Tree by Jill Kemp (booklet for the children to color)
dltk-teach.com- What begins with A? (mini book)
A is for Adam (handwriting sheet)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 7.
christianpreschoolprintables.com- Adam & Eve (handwriting)
akidsheart.com- Apple Maze (several to choose from)
More 365 Activities for Kids (do any of the Adam and Eve puzzles, mazes, dot-to-dot, spot the difference, etc. from January 3 - 9).
The Great Bible Big Fun Activity Book: From the Old and New Testaments by Toni Lind
Color by Number- Garden of Eden
Follow the Dots to find a special tree. Draw fruit on the tree. (snake)
tlsbooks.com- Apple Tree Trace 1 – 5
tlsbooks.com- Apple Tree Trace 1 – 10
education.com- Count the Apples & Make a Graph (worksheet)
On this worksheet, kids count the number of apples they see in the picture and record the information in a graph. This worksheet offers practice counting objects and making a graph.
prek-8.com- Preschool/Kindergarten Counting Worksheet
Count the apples and follow the directions to color the correct number of apples.
tlsbooks.com- Apple (dot-to-dot) 1 - 10
abcteach.com- Apple (dot-to-dot) 1 – 10
christianbook.com- Puzzle 5: Help Adam find Eve in the garden. (maze)
The Big Book of Pre School Puzzles #2, page 17. Click on Sample and go to page 17.
christianbook.com- God Created Man (maze)
Name That Bible Character!: PK-K by Sharon Thompson, page 4. Click on Sample and go to page 4.
God Created Man (maze) page 7, Adam Named the Animals (simple crossword) page 8, God Created Woman (maze ) page 9- Bible Story Puzzle ‘n’ Learn! PK – K
Adam Names the Animals (Match the names of the animals. Paste each word in the correct space.)- Bible Stories from A to Z, page 8.
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