Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Post in Which I Have a Conversation with Myself in Front of You

Edit 9.6.09: Hey, Guess what? They liked my meme! Thanks, Barbara!

You all did a FANTASTIC job on this meme yesterday! If you'd still like to hitch a ride on the doughnut wagon, leave a comment!

Here are my answers, as promised.

1. When you go to Wowmart, what one thing do you get every single time, besides a funky-wheeled squeaking cart full of frustration?

It used to be bottles of water, but last week I bought a water filter and some snazzy aluminum bottles because I got tired of
A) Paying extra for water
B) Feeling guilty about my "plastic environmental footprint." [And the bottles crowded up the trash. Not that crowding the trash is more important than the environment. Of course not.]
C) I was afraid I was providing cancer-making molecules in the plastic to my daughter.

Now I just buy my protein bars every time I go. Guess what. Today? NONE of the peanut butter ones, and ONE box left of the total chocolate. And then I couldn't find my car. Typical Wowmart trip.

2. What is something that people are currently "into" that you just don't get or appreciate?

A) Bermuda shorts
B) Twitter
C) Wine
D) Action movies

3. What is something that really hoists your sail that other people might feel "ho-hum" about?

A) A certain little dog named "Zoe." Men especially zone out when I mention her. But that's OK because I zone out when men talk, period. Unless it's Clinton Kelly or my pastor. Or the two guys who read this blog. HI, GUYS.
B) Running.
C) 70s music. Right now on the playlist: Hall and Oates "I Can't Go for That" Gotta love the "no can do" in the background. Oh that Oates. He was such a ... background singer.

4. Favorite song to sing in the shower or car?

Songs by Aaron Shust and WHAM! How's THAT for random.

5. A really great salad must have this ingredient:

Nuts and feta cheese

6. Advice in a nutshell to new bloggers (one or two sentences):

I used to have this in the header of my blog when I began: "Don't write like you went to college" [Alice Kahn]. That is, in my opinion, if you're not writing a formal public or scholarly thing, write the way you speak, assuming you have at least an average grasp of grammar and usage rules. You've got to be conversational in your personal blog. You've got to be you. How else can I say this? Who can articulate this imperative point? SAMMY!

7. What was the alternate name that your parents almost named you? Do you wish they had chosen it instead of the one they gave you?

Here's a question that as far as I know, only one of you answered in the manner I was thinking of; that is, an alternate female name, if you are female. Male, if you are male. HI GUYS!

I was almost Beth Ann, which is a fine name, unless you're last name is "Batt."

"Beth Ann Batt" is the flattest, most staccato name ever. Beth Batt, BethBattBethBatt. [Spell check just blew up.] So Linda is OK, even though I mis-type it all the time.

8. What in your life are you waiting for?

My friends to arrive in an hour for a wild S'mores party in the backyard. All my rowdy friends are comin' over tonight. Rowdy church women.

9. You get a package in the mail. What is it, and who is it from?

Why, it's from my publisher, of course, and it's my book! (Ref: Julia Child in movie.) Of course, I haven't written a book yet, but you know.

10. Today--what song represents you?

Another old one: "All I Need is a Miracle" by Mike and the Mechanics, 1986.
"Are You Reelin' in the Years," Steely Dan, 1973.

11. What is one thing that blogging has taught you about yourself?

That I do not want to disappoint readers.
That I am compelled to write. I'm writin' even if you're not readin'.
That it's OK to loosen up a little in writing. I like funny.
How to write more succinctly, believe it or not.
And ... I gotta be me.

12. How are you going to (or how did you) choose the clothes you're wearing today? What do they say about you in general or specifically how you're feeling today?
To work, I wore a black knit knee-length A-line swingy skirt, a coral blouse and these shoes:
which are my "happy shoes." I think you can see I was going for happy today.

For the S'mores party, I'm wearing the same coral top and olive shorts, gray flip flops. This outfit says, "Pass the marshmallows."

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