Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm Answering the Meme: Baby of the Family, Sexy M&Ms, and Spoiled Chicken

1. What is something that you have changed your mind about either recently or over a number of years?

I used to think that [implication: I don't think it anymore]:

NPR is evil.
Having a white collar job is better than having a blue collar job.
I didn't need female friends in my life.
If I did a bunch of things right I would be more acceptable to God.
There were certain temptations I would never face.
I'd always be able to lose weight simply by cutting back the milk shakes and french fries.

2. Choose either subject, but does your a) church b) job feel more like a dental chair experience or an easy chair (recliner) experience?

My church experience used to feel like an easy chair experience. Now I'm more challenged, and that's a good thing.
I have to admit that my job is really nice, some days like an easy chair. I might grumble, but I'm just playing at grumbling, or it's just temporary grumbling. Did I mention my boss reads this blog? Even if he didn't, though, I'd still say that.

3. Kisses or hugs? I actually typed "huts," which might have been a more interesting question.

I choose ... Tiki huts.
Hugs, except when my kids were little, they couldn't walk by me without my grabbing them and smashing their cheeks with a kiss. And their little arms and hands. I get dizzy just thinking about it.

4. What do you think is the biggest threat to families today?

You all had very interesting, solid answers that I agree with, for sure. The consensus was that over-scheduling and suffering the consequences of a hurried life was the biggest threat. I don't disagree that it's a huge threat, but my answer is the overt sexualization of everything in our culture, even inanimate objects. In short, I get really, really peeved when I see innocence perverted.

Case in point: Avenue Q on Broadway. It's a take-off on Sesame Street with muppet-like characters in an adult-humor setting. I haven't seen it, but here is an excerpt from the web page:

Adults love AVENUE Q, but they seem a little, er, fuzzy on whether it's appropriate for kids. We'll try to clear that up. AVENUE Q is great for teenagers because it's about real life. It may not be appropriate for young children because AVENUE Q addresses issues like sex, drinking, and surfing the web for porn. It's hard to say what exact age is right to see AVENUE Q - parents should use their discretion based on the maturity level of their children. But we promise you this - if you DO bring your teenagers to AVENUE Q, they'll think you're really cool.

But you'll really be an idiot if you take them, so don't. [That's my edit, in case that's not clear.]

Second case in point--less offensive but still speaks to the way sex is woven into everything for sale:

I just think it's ridiculous to have a commercial about sexy M&Ms.

5. A day after you grocery shop, you open a perishable item that is horribly spoiled. Do you take your receipt back to the store to be reimbursed or just throw it away and forget about it?

This just happened to me this week, so that's why it was on my mind. I am meticulous--I mean very meticulous about checking expiration dates, and this package should've been fine. But a couple of days ago, Kristin opened a container of lunch meat chicken that was ... Bay-yad! Ohmylands. Lawsy day. Oh my wordy. We tossed that bad baby out so fast. I had every intention of getting a refund, but I was too busy at this time. Usually, though, I march it right back there and nicely request help.

6. What personality trait (feel free to address good or bad or both) do you notice yourself adopting from your parents?

Other than saying things like, "Lawsy Day"? I am fighting the worrying trait cultivated to an art form by my mother. I realized, when I had kids, that worrying out loud is the way she shows love. And he has loved us a lot, let me tell you. On the flip side, she is compassionate, and I think I learned that from her.

From my dad I get a bit of pouty-ness, but I also get most of my other personality traits. I'm more like him than my mom.

7. How many slices of bread do you leave in the bottom of the bag when you throw it away? Two? Three? Just the heel? None? (I really want to know if you eat the heel.)

I don't usually eat the heel. I was just wonderin' if I should feel guilty for throwing it away. Thank you for sharing.

8. What mispronunciation or usage error really irritates you?

Oh, here we go.
"Refer back" or "relate back" because they're redundant. The prefix "re" means to go back, so you're saying: "Let's go back back."
"Expecially" for "especially."
"Irregardless" for "regardless." There is no such word as "irregardless."
I'll stop because 1) I make mistakes, too 2) The only thing worse than a usage offender is a nit picker.

9. In honor of the uniqueness of today's date, what does the numeral 9 mean to you? (Any special life moments attached to the 9th? Are you the 9th kid in your family? Can you count by 9s really fast? etc.)

Well, today's date does cause me refer back to Toto's 1979 song, "99" and 1984's "99 Luftballoons" by Nena.

10. Does the general color palette in your closet match the colors you chose to decorate your home with?

Strangely, it's starting to. I wear a lot of black, and in the last few years, black in the form of wrought iron and frames and wallpaper designs is working its way into my house.

My house is decorated in mostly autumnal colors, but most of my clothes are black, white, medium pinks, and greens, which is weird because green is my least favorite color. Makes perfect sense that I buy green clothes, right?

11. When you're hanging out with friends in the kitchen, do you automatically ask to help, or do you sit there and chat until the host asks if you'd like to help? I'm not implying that the 2nd choice stems from rudeness or laziness, just not a first-response like it is for some people.

This is a question that has evoked much discussion amongst my friends. I hypothesize that a person's response to this question is related to his/her birth order in the family. I contend that babies of the family generally sit and wait to be told what to do, whereas older sibs jump right in, take charge and prove to be responsible citizens.

Guess where I am in the birth order? Baby. So, it's not that I don't want to help; I just don't always think of it right away. But if I do think of it, I ask. Or, I ask to be a given a specific task. But sometimes I just sit and look at you and smile while you work, until you say, "Hey, Lid, do ya wanna peel some potatoes?" I'm always happy to help.

12. Let's end on a pleasant note: What do you enjoy about September the most?

September 11, 1986.

Thanks for playing this week. I'll post another next week. If I haven't been around to read you yet, I will.

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