Sunday, February 26, 2012

Documenting Failure: Obama Pays $162K+ For Documentary Film To Be Made About Himself

By Susan Duclos

Bloomberg reports that the Barack Obama campaign paid $162,834, according to the January Federal Election Commission filing to have a nearly 30 minute film made, about himself. He has recruited Academy Award winning director Davis Guggenheim to make the campaign films which is to document his first three years in office.

This isn't the first time Obama has used Guggenheim to help him win an election either.

In 2008, the filmmaker directed a biographical film about Obama for the Democratic National Convention. He also was involved in a 30-minute advertisement that the campaign ran on three major broadcast networks in the closing days before the election at a cost of more than $3 million.

The money spent last month covers the major cost of the film’s production, though the campaign isn’t ruling out additional spending for the film, the official said.

One has to wonder how Guggenheim or anyone for that matter is going to highlight what Obama considers his "accomplishments" in the last three years when polling done from June 2009 right up to 2012 shows that he is popular on a personal level but his polices are disapproved of.

By December 2011, in multiple polls, the majority of Americans felt Barack Obama should not be reelected and his overall disapproval numbers rose again. While those overall approval and disapproval numbers see some fluctuation from month to month, the data, according to an Associated Press poll, looks even worse when individual issues are specified.

Going issue by issue, the numbers are even worse for Obama. Only 29% of Americans support Obama signature domestic accomplishment, Obamacare, while 49% oppose the reform. And as the Supreme Court is set to hear a challenge to Obamacare's individual mandate next year, the poll found that 84% of Americans believe the federal government should not have the power to require all Americans to buy health insurance. Only 15% believe the federal government should have that power.

Majorities of Americans also disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy (60% disapprove), health care (55% disapprove), the federal budget deficit (62% disapprove), taxes (52% disapprove), immigration (56% disapprove), unemployment (53% disapprove), and gas prices (57% disapprove). The only domestic issues that Obama is has positive numbers on are the environment (55% approve), energy (50% approve), and education (53%).

It is hard to see how Guggenheim can document what Obama sees as his accomplishments, without highlighting the exact things the American people show high disapproval of.


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