Monday, October 3, 2011

The big wait....

So Governor Krispy Kreme is getting closer to deciding if he is going to throw his hat into the presidential race for president.

Good luck with that. Fighting those evil unions in Jersey isn't the same as fighting terrorist in the Middle East. But I think that my man has the bug. It might have been his speech at the reagan library that took him over the top. But we will see.

I know one thing; his fellow republicans are jonesing for a savior. Anybody.  Now that Governor Big Hair fooled around and did the unpardonable: Being exposed for doing publicly what I am sure most Southern men of a certain age have done.... privately: endorsing the use of, or using the word, nigger. [Digression alert!] Why the big deal with the Governor naming his hunting compound Niggerhead? Are we supposed to be shocked that this goes on in Texas?Ever wondered why this never came out before after his long political career in Texas?

"Now to be fair, the word "Nigger" was used for hundreds of geographic places in their official government names across this country for centuries. Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen writes about how the U.S. Board of Geographic Names had changed many of these en masse 50 years ago (although, hilariously, they'd often just change "Nigger Creek" to "Negro Creek," "Nigger Mountain" to "Colored Mountain," etc.) New York State just got around to renaming "Nigger Lake" on government maps this past summer.

But the "Niggerhead" sign on the Perry property was a private sign, painted in large letters on a large rock. Perry used the property as a gathering place for his politicos, and he's running for president. So he's got some explaining to do.
To hear Perry tell it, according to the Post, as soon as his family started leasing the land in 1983, he ordered "the offensive word" painted over; he believed the rock was eventually turned upside-down.

But McCrummen writes that she spoke to over two-dozen people for her story, including "seven who said they saw the rock [and] said the block-lettered name was clearly visible at different points in the 1980s and 1990s. One, a former worker on the ranch, believes he saw it as recently as 2008."

One who saw it, "a retired game warden who began working in the region in 1981...said he guided three or four turkey shoots for Rick Perry when Perry was a state legislator between 1985 and 1990" and found that the sign "Kind of offended me, truthfully." (Italics ours.)

Rick Perry is between a rock (with a racial epithet painted on it) and a hard place." [Source]

Relax Governor, your numbers will once again go up among republican primary voters after this one.

Anywhoo, back to my man Governor Krispy Kreme. I wonder if these tea party types know what they are getting. Dude actually believes in science. (Memo to wingnuts: the world is not flat.)He doesn't think that all those Muslims are evil, he wants to be able to keep Xuanlong assault rifles out of the hands of lunatics, and he realizes that true immigration reform will not come by rounding up little Mexican children and kicking them out of school.

So we weight wait for the big announcement. I guess that if Governor Krispy Kreme wins and becomes our president it will be somewhat fitting. (No pun intended) With almost half of the people in our country being obese there is nothing wrong with having a president who is a true representation of his country's population. Obama, with his slender physique, looks more like a European president. -He even smokes for crying out loud.- My man Governor Krispy Kreme can't hide his vice. It's on full display every time he makes an appearance.



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