Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kevin, Pat, and Mitt. A liar, a racist, and a flip flopper.

I would like the following story to serve as a public service announcement for all of you single guys out there getting your "playa" on:

"AP) — Police say a man's girlfriend unexpectedly came home just before another woman was due to visit, so he called police to report his new acquaintance as a burglar.

The Gazette reports that 24-year-old Kevin Gaylor was cited with a misdemeanor of false reporting to authorities.

Police say Gaylor had invited a woman he met online to come to his home after 3 a.m. Wednesday so they could get better acquainted, but his girlfriend came home first.

Police say that when the other woman arrived, Gaylor called police and falsely reported an intrusion.

Gaylor has an unlisted phone number and couldn't be reached for comment." [Story] 

Some of you laughing at this story need to stop fronting. You know damn good and well that you have tried some dumb stuff before while trying to creep and got busted like Mr. Gaylor.

I feel sorry for his lady. Girlfriend, it might be time to dig up some old phone numbers.

I wonder who Pat Buchanan thinks he is fooling? Soon after dropping his racist xenophobic book, "Suicide Of A Superpower", he is trying to help you Negroes find work in D.C. by calling for us to rid ourselves of those evil immigrants.

Here are some excerpts from his wonderful book:

"Half a century after Martin Luther King envisioned a day when his children would be judged ‘not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character,’ journalists of color are demanding the hiring and promotion of journalists based on the color of their skin. Jim Crow is back. Only the color of the beneficiaries and the color of the victims have been reversed."

Those who believe the rise to power of an Obama rainbow coalition of peoples of color means the whites who helped to engineer it will steer it are deluding themselves. The whites may discover what it is like to ride in the back of the bus.

Not until the 1960s did courts begin to use the Fourteenth Amendment to impose a concept of equality that the authors of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, The Federalist Papers, and the Gettysburg Address never believed in. Before the 1960s, equality meant every citizen enjoyed the same constitutional rights and the equal protection of existing laws. Nothing in the Constitution or federal law mandated social, racial, or gender equality." [Source]

Wow! Some of you, like my friends over at Color of Change, are demanding that MSNBC dumps Pat from their lineup. Not me. I want my man right where I can see him.

Finally, you have to feel for Flipper Mitt. His aides should have kept him out of the Buckeye state. Mitt that thing you are wiping off the bottom off of your shoes is called SB 5, and you just stepped in it big time.

SB 5 is going down in Ohio, and you bailed on your base. Coming back the next day to say that you support it 110% only makes you look like a calculating career politician...wait, you are a calculating career politician. Never mind.



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