Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why do we care?

I thought that you A-merry-cans went to war in 1775 to rid yourselves of those evil Brits.

Now look at you. You can't get enough of the Prince and Kate's upcoming wedding. The hype and publicity around this wedding here in A-merry-ca has been absolutely sickening.

All the major networks are sending their anchors across the pond, and we will be inundated with coverage of these two young people hooking up all week. We will know everything about Kate's ring, her dress, her honeymoon, and her makeup. It's enough to make every red blooded A-merry-can man cry. (Notice I said man, because I suspect that that many of those who belong to the fairer sex are eating this stuff up.) This is the Super Bowl of weddings, and they are covering it like one.

But again, I have to wonder, why do we care? What is this sick obsession A-merry-cans have with royalty and wealth? People are struggling to make ends meet and yet we can't get enough of a stupid wedding.

I guess, in a way, it's a kind of escape. A real life fairy tale complete with a Prince and a "commoner" becoming Queen. Honestly, every time I see one of those experts on British royalty on television I want to go out and smash the next Mini Cooper I see. It's such a waste. Isn't there more important stuff that the networks could be educating us on or talking about? Like, for instance, why is gas going to be damn near $5 per gallon before the end of the summer? Educate the public about the crude oil market and how it works. Why is it that more than half of the republicans in this country believe that their legally elected president is a foreigner and some type of "Manchurian Candidate" ? Why is it that the wealthy folks in this country keep getting wealthier and the middle class keeps shrinking? Those are the things that I want to see on news programs, not what fabric Kate Middleton's dress is made from.

Look, I love the British, I really do. I was born a British subject myself. But other than the EPL and Naomie Harris, I really need a break from all things Brit for awhile. So thanks Kate and William, because of you I have British overload. April 29, 2011, can't come and go soon enough for me.

I bet I am not alone.

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