For more in the criminalization and incarceration of the mentally ill in Arizona, see this post on Shannon Palmer.
Also see this report from the National Sheriff's Association and the Treatment Advocacy Center: for every one person with a mental illness we hospitalize in Arizona, we put almost ten behind bars. There's something really wrong with that.
Shannon Len Palmer, 40. Homicide victim: ASPC-Lewis (September 2010)
Sentenced to three years in prison by Maricopa Superior Court Judge Connie Contes
for climbing a utility tower in a thunderstorm to be closer to God...
Incarceration of the Mentally Ill:
Punitive or Restorative Justice?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Gregory Sales exhibit: "It's Not Just Black and White"
ASU Art Museum
10th St and Mill Ave., Tempe, AZ 85281
and the Arizona Mental Health and Criminal Justice Coalition
"Please join us in this non-adversarial forum for a mediated discussion of the care and treatment of those with mental illness as their lives intersect with the criminal justice system. The goal is to bring together individuals with diverse perspectives and experiences, from the advocates for increasing rehabilitation for mentally ill offenders to those who feel the criminal justice system in place in Arizona is working well..."
--This is a great assembly of the people who need to come together on these issues--
Roundtable Forum
Incarceration of the Mentally Ill: Punitive or Restorative Justice
April 26 2011
ASU Art Museum 5:30pm
Roundtable Participant List:
Sue Ellen Allen Author and Executive Director, Gina’s Team
Norma Brasda SMI Unit Supervisor, Maricopa County Adult Probation
Kelly Carbello Clinical Supervisor, New Horizons Counseling Service
David Choate Associate Director, Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety, ASU
Sean Connolly Lieutenant Phoenix Police Department, South Mountain Precinct
Shelley Curran Director, Court Advocacy, Magellan Health Services
Brian Freudenthal Sergeant, Phoenix Police Department
Donna Hamm Founder, Middle Ground Prison Reform
Ken Jacuzzi ADA Advocate, Author, Business Coach
Patti Jones Registered Nurse, Advocate
Bill Montgomery Maricopa County Attorney
John Newson Advocate
Dawn Noggle Mental Health Director, Maricopa County Correctional Health Services
Peggy Plews Editor, Arizona Prison Watch
John Rundle Recovery Support Specialist, Stand Together and Recover
Michael Runningwolf Advocate, NAMI AZ
Ben Shaw Mental Health Director, Arizona Department of Corrections
Rebekah Trexler SMI Unit Supervisor, Maricopa County Adult Probation
This forum was created in partnership with the Arizona Mental Health and Criminal Justice Coalition. Special thanks to Kathy Bashor and Cynthia Henry, ADBHS Office of Individual and Family Affairs, for their participation as moderators. Please note that our participant’s comments are in no way intended to represent the policies of their respective organizations. Members of the Roundtable are taking part in this discussion solely as individuals representing themselves.
---------------------David's Hope is an education and advocacy agency designed to provide people living with mental illness, and all those involved in their care, the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the behavioral health and criminal justice systems. David’s Hope teaches people how to advocate for themselves and others by empowering them with information, training, resources, and mentoring. Through education and mentoring we hope to create understanding in the community of the issues facing those living with mental illness involved in the Criminal Justice System.
"The mission of David’s Hope is to increase collaboration between the Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems, to promote restoration and provide support for the mental health needs of those within the Criminal Justice system.”
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