Sunday, December 5, 2010

Easy pickings.

There is something that always infuriates me with the political debate here in A-merry-ca. It's this obsession we (by we I mean conservative black and white folks) have with going after poor people and giving those with means a pass. This is why I can't blame folks like my girl Eco.Soul for being pissed.

For instance, this latest blingnut (That's a black wingnut in case you were wondering.) found it convenient to go after the folks in Atlanta who were clamoring for heat subsidies, recently:

"Things almost spun out of control and people had to be sent home. Why is this happening there and not all over? Simple, welfare mentality.
Is Atlanta that much worse off than the rest of the country? No. I think the city's unemployment rate is slightly higher than the rest of the country, but clearly people have come to think that they can get money from "the government." But the government doesn't have any money. The government never has any money. It must take money from other people.

How many of these people were on their cellphones while waiting in line? How many of them have flat panel televisions? Cable tv?

There are people in our government who understand that the more they get us dependent on them, the more power they have. " [Link to the clown. You are welcome for the hits]

Hmmm, I wonder if my man did a post about millions of dollars worth of farm subsidies going to rich folks in New York? -----No, there is not a lot of farm land in New York.

He called it a "welfare mini-mob", and he was outraged that some of them might actually have "flat panel televisions", cell phones, and a "Cable tv" in their homes. Granted, I have issues with folks trying to have certain luxuries when they can't afford it, as well as them not prioritizing their spending. I get that. But I also have problems with greedy corporations not reinvesting in A-merry-ca and sitting on trillions of dollars that they could be spending to give people jobs. Not to mention them using every tax loophole available to pocket their billions and billions of dollars in profits. Why doesn't this clown do a post about them? I will tell you why: because he has fallen into that same rich man good, poor man bad trap that has become the norm in political discourse here in A-merry-ca. It's always much easier to demagogue poor folks and score easy brownie points with folks of a certain stripe that you are trying to impress. It's harder to speak truths and to attack the real problem with poverty here in the land of the [some are] free.

But don't worry Kenneth, they don't need you, they already have all the lobbyist they need to do their dirty work. You posting on a blog to a few of your conservative friends won't get you Thomas Sowell status. It only gets you in the house and raises your slave catcher bona fides. Which, of course, I am sure you won't mind.

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