Friday, December 17, 2010

"Bobby's Berms."

I want to start this post by giving a shout out to GQ Magazine for featuring the last surviving member of the original three Wailers in this latest issue of their magazine. It was a pleasant surprise to open up the pages and see my man Bunny Wailer in full effect.

Anyway, tonight I want to write about rising GOP star, Bobby Jindal. Seems my man, like so many wingnuts before him, was wrong about something else:

Remember when Jindal was ripping his O ness a new one about his administrations inactivity and incompetence during the gulf oil spill? My man even wrote a book about it and was on every wingnut talk show from California to Maine patting himself on the back and praising his skills as a governor on knowing how to get things done. Not so fast.

Now it seems that Jindal might have been wrong all along.

"The GOP's rising star, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, was the driving force behind the construction of sand berms to curb the Gulf oil spill. They were considered environmentally unsound, and a presidential commission has found that they didn't even work.

A draft of the commission's report was released yesterday, and aside from the obvious (BP), Jindal comes out looking pretty scummy. That shouldn't really shock anyone, but the particulars of the berm deal are pretty bad. So what really happened? Well, the berms cost about $220 million to build with another $140 million committed to finish the project. The report describes them as "underwhelmingly effective, and overwhelmingly expensive." The sand berm project got nearly three times more money than any other oil spill relief project in Jindal's state of Louisiana.

But how does Jindal himself feel about the berms' effectiveness? According to Bloomberg, on November 15, Jindal appeared on the Today Show touting the project's effectiveness: "The reality is, it worked. And the reality is, it prevented that oil from getting into the wetlands 15 to 20 miles away." Hmm. How well did it work? According to the presidential commission's report, the berms only stopped about 1,000 barrels of oil... out of about 5 million barrels that were spilled into the Gulf of Mexico. Nice try, Bobby!

And Jindal could have listened to skeptical experts during a June meeting to weight the pros and cons of moving ahead with the project. According to the report, "A Coast Guard officer present at the summit offered a similar [dismal] assessment. According to that officer, the experts ‘all said it's pretty crummy' and offered no ‘glowing endorsements' of berms as a spill response measure." That sure doesn't sound like something a fiscally responsible Republican would get behind.

Jindal responded with a typically shitty statement, calling the report "partisan revisionist history at taxpayer expense," which means we can call Bobby's Berms "the result of very little scientific evidence, at the environment, and people of Louisiana's expense," right? So, to all of the Gulf residents struggling to squeeze money out of BP in the wake of the oil spill, you can thank Bobby Jindal for sucking up hundreds of millions of dollars for a joke of a relief project." [Article]

What a fraud! It just goes to show you that you can't trust a wingnut with anything having to do with science.

Finally, I would like to invite all of you reading this to come to Philadelphia and see the "President's House "display. If you are a student of real history it will be worth the trip.
* Pic lifted from

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