There are always conditions to so called reward offers that are designed to thwart any payment of rewards or make the payments as small as possible.
The wording is carefully crafted to contain hooks that kick in if anyone is stupid enough to offer help in recovering stolen art and antiques. The threat of exposure is used to contain any anger when the poultry reward is paid, if any reward is paid at all.
Still, if you are stupid enough to believe the completely discredited Alcoholic Mark Dalrymple then you deserve everything you get, or not get, where rewards are concerned.
Dealing with Mark Dalrymple or Dick Ellis means you either get, Arrested, Cheated, or both, (Fucked, Nicked or Both in street slang) just ask Fealden, Fairbrother, the Da Vinci Madonna cleared eight, Colin the informant, (Bertie Smalls Nephew), plus ***** ******* who informed on Graham Harkin recently over the Thomas Tompion clock and now awaits the supposed £20,000 reward offered by Mark Dalrymple, etc.
At least the Art Loss Register, Julian Radcliffe and Chris Marshmallow are clear about not ever, ever, paying any money for information that leads to the recovery of stolen art and antiques, greedy, yes, but openly greedy all the same.
Art Hostage has a particular dislike of some Mondays.
What with Lowry's in play, Clocks ticking, Bulmers sipping, Monkey's messing, Hurley hurling, Dalrymple drunk, Ellis elevated, Bubbles talking, Olive Oiling, Melish milking, Light laughing, Mears mumbling, Terry Smith lipping, Moorhead stuttering, Capewell drinking, Jimmy Johnson jumping, Silver shinning, diamonds sparking, Stevens singing, S.O.C.A. seething, Douglas dancing, Wadey warbling, Hunt hunting, Alan Miers farting, Dobby doping, Dixie dealing, Connolly creeping, Cousins conning, sting attempts, not a small group of Miniature developments, Police and Art Loss Investigators demanding a media black-out from reporting about art related crime, Art Hostage is left a little breathless. Not that Mike Ashcroft will cry in his Corn Flakes.
Add to that, Art Hostage is the central figure in three, soon to be four, then five, investigations by the Police complaints bodies, IPCC and SPCC, into Police failings and wrongdoing, I kid you not.
Getting a bit much, everyone wants a piece of Art Hostage.
Art Loss Register Ghuru Julian Radcliffe, with an Undercover Cop in tow, have been in the UAE, Abu Dhabi, checking out if any Gardner art is lurking around the Palace amongst other stolen art cases they are working on. No money will change hands, just an old fashion sting whereby the art is recovered and Police will swoop. Wonder if the Arabs/ex-Pat second home owners are naive enough to fall for this ruse
Still, why not all meet up for the Art Hostage "Bring a Stolen Artwork Party" !!!
Police and insurers come with cash, Underworld come with stolen art, exchanges take place, no arrests, everyone goes home with a present and Art Hostage gets a little taste of everything ???
Only joking, would be nice though, an amnesty day, courtesy of Art Hostage.
Dali found in South London, surely not, mere child's play or Adolescence
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