Honna and I left town around noon on Friday and headed west; our goal was to meet Helen and Judy at The Diner Formerly Known As Zinn's at 1:30 for a fortifying lunch and use of clean restroom prior to a stop at Sauder's. We pulled into the lot at 1:32, finding Helen and Judy already there. After said fortifying lunch (Helen and I had calamari salad, would you believe!) we went to Sauder's and then out to Intercourse to OCS. By the time we got to White Oak, people were already settled in and drinking wine and eating cheese. I opted for a power nap.
Carol had prepared a delicious dinner and afterwards we helped Rob get things set up for sewing. My big First Goal was to get Twelve Oaks finished and that was two long seams and four corner triangles from accomplished before I called it a night. We were wakened by Rob around eight o'clock on Saturday morning: There had been a power failure and would we please not shower until it had been remedied. This didn't imperil breakfast in the least, and once we'd finished, Turbo and I went out to Bird in Hand for a bit of retail therapy. I picked up a couple of things for my upcoming 1000 post giveaway and Turbo got sucked into the charm pack craze. When we got "home," the power was on, and Twelve Oaks was finished before lunch!
Next up was the Indigo and Caramel baskets. I had found what I believed to be the perfect border on Friday at OCS, and I began shortly after lunch to cut lattice and assemble rows. Is it just me, or is setting blocks on point with lattice a perplexing task that give rise to frustration and abundant use of naughty words? I started a new leader-ender project with some batik strips I'd bought from Wanda simply ages ago and once again, went to bed a couple of long seams before completion. Finished the top sans border this morning and will get that on this week.
We had eight quilters present, both long-timers and relative newcomers. Pat joined us for the third time and and is such a welcome addition to the group. This time we had Bobbi No Blog (as far as we know) and it was fun orienting her to our peculiar culture. Saturday night Carol indulged us in a pitcher of margaritas (with or without salt) which just might have had something to do with our inability to get quite finished that night. But we sure slept well!
And it's just a scant four months 'til the next time!
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