Monday, May 31, 2010

One Tired Puppy

Oh, I am one tired puppy. I know that today is Tuesday, the day I post 12 questions for the Random Dozen, but I'm sooooo tired that I just didn't have it in me.

So for the month of June, I'm taking a Random break. Some of you will sigh a disappointed, "Aww, shooties!" Others of you will click your heels because you've felt somewhat enslaved and yet also a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, wherein you actually LIKE the torture I put you through each week at the random.

So I think a short break is in order, and perhaps I will come up with some NEW & IMROVED!!!!! Random Dozen questions during my hiatus. But I promise not to do to you what my tooth whitener did to me this week: Tout "NEW & IMPROVED!!!!!" on the box when it appears to be exactly the same as the other hundred boxes I've purchased.

How was your Memorial Day weekend?

On Saturday, I did some house cleaning and a tad bit of cooking. Jordan came home from school and promptly left to go see his sweet girlfriend who lives quite a ways away.

On Sunday, I went to church, and then I went with Jorge to a picnic way out in the country somewhere and rubbed elbows with dozens of people I did not know who really like to eat barbecue meat stuff, of which I'm not a fan. OK, I knew about 6, thank goodness.

Then I'll let Facebook updates recount the rest of my weekend:

Good to be home-Jordan is also home-watching the LOST finale together; he hasn't seen it yet. So fun. Love my son. ♥

Son falls asleep during LOST finale = FAIL. He cracks me up. Going running. We'll catch it tomorrow.

Run report: Humidity + no restroom for 3 mi + lethal abrasians on freshly-shaven armpits = FAIL. Dead Cardinal on road = Nature Fail. Someone yelling "White girl" at me = Tanning Fail. I wanted a backyard fire, but I am afraid I will trip and fall in or something. Calling it a night, will try again in the a.m.

White Girl runs again. (The sequel.) And we all know sequels never improve the original. Ugh.

It was a fine weekend for family, eating and planting annuals in pots on my deck, not such a fine weekend for weight management and exercise. But we did finally manage to watch the finale with Jordan, only to discover he was not that impressed with the ending.

I, on the other hand, re-lived every gut-wrenching moment with nails dug into the La-Z-Boy and a Kleenex on my lap, and a new desire for a yellow Lab named Jack.

Topped it off with my favorite treat, coffee with REAL cream, shaken before poured for that foamy outcome, and a Nonni's chocolate decadence biscotti dipped in the coffee for -- insane goodness.

And so ends another long holiday weekend--back to work where my entire day will be spent assembling spiral bound booklets.

Sigh. I'd rather be LOST.

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