Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Random. #5 -- And Some Pre-quel Details

Is Blogger still giving you fits, too? The only way I can publish comments is through email. For at least 48 hours I've been receiving a message from Blogger assuring me that the situation is "under investigation."

Right. Like when you ask your teenager how the family tree chart in Spanish class is going and she says, "I'm working on it." Or when your boss asks you to change the outdated phone message which you don't really know how to do because you have to be a systems analyst specialist to figure out the phone system so you just say, "OK."


What's up with crazy Tracey getting all the breaks? For those of you who don't watch, Tracey collapsed on the first week when she went bonkers in the first competition and nearly killed herself trying to win.

Then ... she did other crazy stuff with big, crazy eyes. Like dissing her partner, Coach Mo, when she traded their chance to train with Bob and Jillian for the week in exchange for a 2-pound advantage in the weigh-in. Then she ate 400 calories in cupcakes and won the right to rule the game by choosing whose weight would count at the weigh-in. And she made enemies out of people who are loathe to make enemies. She's injured again and cannot exercise. Yet each week she "out-loses" the whole gang in pounds in spite of physical set backs that keep her from exercising. Things just seem to go her way every week. And she seems as astonished as the rest of us, which she evinces by making her eyes really, really big.

It's making me and some co-workers have crazy eyes, too.

RaNdOm aHeAd!

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. This is also the day I have added Mr. Linky to this meme. So let us link up AND be glad. It's legal to do both; I checked.

1. On an average, how often do you splurge and buy something for yourself?

2. Are you more like Hall or Oates? Just kidding. Real question: What is the last creative project you began/finished? Feel free to post a pic of it.

3. OK, Goldie Locks, do you consider your house too big, too little or juuuust right?

4. What is your favorite outdoor chore?

5. If you knew that cigarette smoking was not bad for your health but would be a weight loss tool, would you use it? Why or why not?

6. On a road trip, would you rather drive or ride?

7. What do you consider a trivial pursuit?

8. This weekend, we downloaded the movie "Duplicity" with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. Within 5 minutes, I was bored and annoyed, but I kept watching 5-10 minutes at a time hoping it would get better between small chores. I finally gave up and Jorge watched it alone, and then regretted wasting that time because he disliked it intensely, too. So ... how long do you watch a movie or read a book before giving up on it?

9. Is there a song that you really love but are embarrassed to admit because it's not cool or it's racy or because it's by Hall and Oates?

10. On a scale of 1-10 (10 = extremely) how spontaneous are you?

11. Are you a food and/or beverage snob?

12. Who/What are you trying to control in your life? (I hear people gulping and see them sweating in anticipation of how to answer this one.)

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