Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Treasure Chest of Goodness and Euell Gibbons

Bet you're wondering what could be in this deceptively plain-looking treasure chest of white cardboard. I know it says, "variety chips" on it, but please, would a treasure chest hold mere potato chips?

No, it would not.

It would, however, hold a boatload of S'mores ingredients! Woo to the hoo!

So for eight weeks a group of teenagers is meeting at my home for a study, and tonight I decided to do hot dogs, fruit kebabs (you'd think it'd be spelled "kabobs," but you'd be embarrassingly misinformed) chips and dip and S'MORES!

Do not ask me why this child has one shoe on and one off and looks like he might fall into the fire. I know his mom sometimes reads this blog, so maybe she will interpret his actions for us.

Obviously, I wasn't kidding when I said fires have become a nightly routine here.

And Jorge is still acting like he's a forest ranger fire expert. For instance, he's still getting pretend-mad at me for throwing a paper plate or two into the flames, like I'm going to sully his handiwork or something: "You're going to create ashes!" (Uh, sorry. Fires should not have ashes, for sure.)

When we sit there every night toasting marshmallows (Wonder why can't I lose weight? It's a mystery!) he keeps saying nature-y things like, "Notice how the wind has died down." "That's a nuthatch you hear." Excuse me. This guy doesn't know a nuthatch from a ... a ... another bird, and yet, he has a running nature commentary.

Tonight I was grilling the hot dogs and became upset because a fly landed on a couple of them as I was about to lift them onto the grill. I was spazzing about the flies when he casually remarked, "It's OK. The germs will burn off on the grill."

I'm beginning to feel like I'm married to Euell Gibbons. You remember Euell, don't you? (If you're over 35, maybe?) In case you don't, here's a 30-second commercial that will tell the whole story and explain why Jorge may be called "Euell" here on the blog until he gets over this Eagle Scout kick.

Question: Have you had S'mores yet this summer, and, did we ever actually see Euell Gibbons eat pine cones or cattails? I think Euell scammed us into eating those edible b.b.'s called Grapenuts.

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