This has been kind of a cocooning week for me. My body told me in no uncertain terms, "Slow down." There's a lot shifting going on for me. I imagine the ripples continue from our Soul Coaching journey. Last Saturday I spent the day creating vision cards and then turned them into a short movie you can see here. I watch that every day to inspire me and to keep me connected to my dreams.
On Sunday Justin and I went to an open house in our neighbourhood. (Suzie, these are the houses that we walked by every day that were being built while you were visiting) I really enjoy exploring real estate.
On Monday I worked on a new routine for Nia. For December we planned to share Medicine Woman, a routine that focuses on feminine power. I also had a wonderful morning meeting with Danette, cooking up some awesome ideas about working together! Unfortunately I forgot my camera.
I donated a tarot reading to NaBloPoMo as a prize. On Tuesday I received the details for the winner and prepared her reading.
On Wednesday my body insisted that I just chill out. What was so cool was that I discovered that you can download books, movies and music from the Toronto Public Library for free, if you have a library card (I've had one since I was 2 - thanks, Mom!) So, I had a lie-down and a listen. Oh, and, of course, watched the last performance show of So You Think You Can Dance Canada.
Thursday I got some real cheering up with this fabulous card from my dear friend Jill. It completely made me laugh out loud!
Friday I had a wonderful coffee with my friend Jenn. We haven't had a chance to catch up for over a year so there was lots to talk about! Jenn's had an amazing year doing her Nia Brown Belt and taking a group on a retreat to Croatia. She's so inspiring!
Friday night Shannon and I got together and really worked on figuring out how to podcast. Both of us have exciting things in the works! I'm sure you'll hear about it soon. (omg, Danette's painting is totally stabbing me in the head. LOL, I won't take it personally)
Shannon always ends her Project 365s with pictures of Gobo. I get a chance to do that this week. Without further adieu, here is the most mellow cat in show business, Mr. Man:
Project 365 is my attempt to capture a year in my life through a photograph a day. On Saturday's I'll post the week's pics. At the end of the year, I'll create a video of all these precious moments. Feel free to participate at any time. Yours can be Project 347 or Project 292. It's up to you.
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