Religion and Disability Program- Encouraging faith communities to remove barriers to full religious participation.
The Religion and Disability Program of the National Organization on Disability (NOD) is an interfaith effort urging national faith groups, denominations, local congregations and seminaries to identify and remove barriers of architecture, communications, and attitudes. The program reaches out to congregations and people of faith through publications, information referral, and various program initiatives.
The Religion and Disability Program has much to offer you in your journey towards building a faith community that is welcoming to all:
• Access to the Religion and Disability Program E-Newsletter, sent quarterly, a source of valuable resources and information for those working to include children and adults with disabilities in their religious communities.
• Enrollment in the Accessible Congregations Campaign, a campaign that seeks to partner with congregations of all faiths who commit to identifying and removing their barriers and welcoming people with all types of disabilities.
• Several publications, including our very popular That All May Worship: An Interfaith Welcome to People with Disabilities, which offer advice on becoming more accessible and welcoming to people with disabilities. Our other publications include Loving Justice, From Barriers to Bridges and Money and Ideas.
• Information on That All May Worship conferences, conferences that bring together people with disabilities and lay or ordained religious leaders to plan improved access—both physical and spiritual—in houses of worship.
• Access to the Interfaith Directory of Religious Leaders with Disabilities, a directory that provides contact information for over 130 religious leaders with disabilities who wish to foster communication with others in the religious community and the disability community.
• Assistance from the Congregations Who Care—Prepare project, a project to advise congregations on how to assist people with disabilities in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.
• Participation in the Seminary Project, a project that provides information to help seminaries welcome people with disabilities, and to better equip future religious leaders to serve, and serve with, children and adults with disabilities.
To find out more about the Religion and Disability Program contact us by phone at (202) 293-5960, or e-mail at religion@nod.org. You can also write us at Religion and Disability Program, National Organization on Disability, 910 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20006.
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