Tuesday, September 4, 2007

100 Successes

100 Things I'm Proud to Have Accomplished in My Life So Far
an exercise for Success Principle 26
  1. I saved my allowance and then went to the store all by myself and bought treats and Barbie clothes when I was in grade 2.
  2. I learned how to ride a bike, thanks to the boy next door.
  3. I choreographed and performed dances for my class when I was in grade 4.
  4. I sang in the choir throughout public school.
  5. I was a bunny in our school's performance of Snow White.
  6. I started my own neighbourhood library when I was in public school.
  7. I was the lead in the school play when I was in grade 6.
  8. I used to challenge myself to get lost on my bicycle in the neighbourhood and then find my way home.
  9. I started my own business washing doll clothes when I was in public school.
  10. I was a cheerleader in junior high.
  11. I organized all sorts of outings and events for friends when I was in junior high.
  12. I asked a boy to dance in junior high. (He said yes, but was really uncomfortable)
  13. I made the adjustment of moving from Montreal to Toronto in grade 7.
  14. I made the first move with a boy I liked in junior high. (He said yes, and we dated for quite a while. I still think of him really fondly. He was great.)
  15. I skipped a year of math in junior high.
  16. I was great with kids when I was a teenager.
  17. I became assistant to my dance teacher while I was in high school.
  18. I learned to tap dance.
  19. I taught jazz and tap.
  20. I was a soloist in our studio's dance recitals.
  21. I got my first real job at Canada's Wonderland working on a ride.
  22. I worked for 2 years as an usher at the dolphin show at Canada's Wonderland.
  23. I got a job dancing as Papa Smurf at Canada's Wonderland.
  24. I looked out for my siblings when my family was having a really hard time.
  25. I went to my brother's parent-teacher interview.
  26. I was an Ontario Scholar.
  27. I was the president of my school's Student Organization for the Promotion of School Spirit (SOPSS)
  28. I was the president of our school's sorority.
  29. I learned to drive.
  30. I was very serious about weight training, going to the gym 4 days a week and pumping iron.
  31. I was one of the drivers on a family trip to Montreal.
  32. I did a chin up.
  33. I was accepted into and completed the University College Drama Program at the University of Toronto.
  34. I have been a good nurse to loved ones that required physical care.
  35. I graduated with distinction, earning my BA, a combined specialist in English and Drama with a minor in Anthropology.
  36. I gained my MA in Drama.
  37. I auditioned for shows.
  38. I have told stories to a rapt audience.
  39. I called a director to ask for feedback on my audition when I did not get the part.
  40. Along with a partner, I was the artistic director of FOOT, The Festival of Original Theatre, that featured art, theatre, workshops, panel discussions and academic papers.
  41. I was the president of the student union for my graduate department.
  42. I was the editor of the departmental newsletter, taking it from a 1-sheet handout to a talked about publication.
  43. I maintained my integrity in viscious conflict.
  44. I brought home a second cat when I didn't know how I was possibly going to afford her but I loved her. She's still with us today.
  45. I had the courage to say yes when someone asked me if I would direct their show.
  46. Along with a partner, I was the artistic director of an independent theatre company.
  47. Our theatre company ran in the black.
  48. I have directed shows I'm very proud of including Mozart & Salieri, Understanding Media and Blue.
  49. I've acted in shows I'm very proud of including Looking at the Stars and Masse Mensch (Man and the Masses)
  50. I directed and choreographed a fashion show of costumes.
  51. I've called a show from the booth.
  52. I was a club chick.
  53. I left a long-term relationship that wasn't good for me.
  54. I sang on stage.
  55. Along with my sister Shannon, I catered an event.
  56. I volunteered for the Distress Centre.
  57. I was a manager that really pulled together a great team that worked hard and liked each other.
  58. I have worked supporting deaf and hard of hearing students in the classroom.
  59. I gave dedicated and consistent effort to finding a career that was deeply fulfilling, drew on my talents and allowed me to pursue my creative dreams.
  60. I left my doctoral studies when it became clear that was not the route for me.
  61. I traveled by myself to visit my sister Suzie in BC.
  62. I completed a core curriculum of coaching training.
  63. I learned how to closed caption.
  64. I organized a group of people to participate in the AIDS walk.
  65. My husband and I designed a beautiful winter wedding that was successful in large part due to the lovely family and friends we have in our lives.
  66. I began my own coaching practice.
  67. I presented a coaching workshop.
  68. I walked to raise money for the Assaulted Women's Help Line.
  69. I provided coaching for a management team.
  70. I have turned my health around from exhausted depletion.
  71. I attained my coaching certification.
  72. I was able to pay for my coaching certification by funds earned through coaching.
  73. I have truly supported people in changing their lives and finding their joy.
  74. I took a course in drawing and painting. I kept with it even when it was frustrating.
  75. I have invested in myself.
  76. Along with my husband, I bought a house.
  77. I attained my Nia white belt.
  78. I have cried out my dance tears.
  79. I wrote and illustrated a story called My Life with Stella.
  80. I began Starshyne Productions.
  81. I went whale-watching even though I have an extreme phobia of deep water.
  82. I hosted the first ever Try Day on Create a Connection.
  83. I attained my Nia blue belt.
  84. I have asked for help.
  85. I began teaching Nia.
  86. I have spent time doing art activities.
  87. I have followed my heart even when it's scary.
  88. I have turned my garden around from a patch of mud to a pretty space.
  89. I have spoken my truth in a challenging relationship.
  90. I have been accepted into a foundational year program in Expressive Arts Therapy
  91. I developed a new identity for my business.
  92. I have voted in all elections that I have been eligible to.
  93. I researched and hired a logo design company.
  94. I have embraced my performative nature.
  95. I have met lots of new and wonderful people and expanded my community greatly.
  96. I have learned CPR.
  97. I have loved and continue to love deeply and fiercely.
  98. I have a strong relationship with my spirit.
  99. I successfully manage our finances.
  100. I will be offering a workshop at justBe... Connected.

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