Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Catch Up Time

Wow! A few days off and I am way behind on my blog and reporting what all is new and happening!! So enjoyed Friday getting to see my best buddy Deidre and new Baby Lilly! And realized that we were so intent on making her birth annoucements that I didn't take any pictures! So stupid! So this week when they pop by again I will! So what's new huh? Worked Saturday at Gymboree so that just seemed to wipe the whole day away. Couldn't believe I sold to one gal over $400 in clothes! My manager once again just staring at me mentally saying..yep..Julia's the bomb!ha

Saturday night watched Batman Begins and wow! Where has that movie been? How on earth did we miss this up to now? I have to say that it makes all of the previous Batman movies look like a joke or at least to Scott and I.(and I know Tammy agrees) But wow...excellent movie..and even better are you ready..another Brit hearthrobe to add to my list..yep...Christian Bale! HOLY COW! Watch out Hugh Grant and Colin Firth..there's new competition and this one is smokin!ha Poor Scott had to listen to me go gaga as he normally is for the girls! Here's a taste of what I mean...

Wow is all I can say! Can't wait for the next Batman movie and in the meantime I'll have to go check out his previous movies!

Sunday did some scrapping and then took the kids to see Nanny McPhee! Just knew that any movie that had Colin Firth in it and Emma Thompson had to be good! Love Brit movies..must have been British in a former life. And was so pleased that the movie was adorable! The kids really liked it as I know when it's over and they ask if we can buy the movie!

It had a very cute story and one that was easy for the kids to follow and understand. I just enjoyed watching Colin!HA Headed to the hardware store after for the hardware for my armoire and to pick up some paint samples for the kitchen. Then to our usual spot, Sonic for a bit of lunch.

Yesterday I was boring and sat around all day, yes all day in my pj pants and scrapbooked and watched Bridget Jones movies! Too fun and a great day to spend a much needed day off! Wished I could have had one more day off on my own while the kids are at school. I can't think of the last time I was home with no children(mine or someone's elses) in it! It's sad really when I think about it. I know I should be quiet and not complain of time alone and appreciate all the sounds and noises of the kids as one day it will be quiet and I'll be wishing it to be nosy. Just maybe now and then..once or twice a year for a few quiet hours..it would be nice to enjoy this!LOL

So I leave you today with a new layout that I think turned out pretty cool. I had a name theme at Scrap Jazz and also needed to use the Sakura glaze pens. Not a whole lot of pen on here..but it's pretty cool anyways!

Have a good one,


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