What are you doing in your classroom or home? I think it would be great to see what others are doing to exchange some ideas. I am constantly looking for new activities to do and I know others are too.
This is what I plan on doing with my first grade CCD class:
Review & Introduce-
• Review - Sign of the Cross, Grace Before Meals, Glory Be
• Review- Jesus in the Temple Take Home Sheet
• Review- People at Mass using People at Church Cards.
• Review- Liturgical Objects at Mass (pew, stoup, altar, chalice, ciborium, Body of Christ, Blood of Christ, tabernacle, bells, lectern, ambo, Lectionary, missal, Book of the Gospels, Processional Cross) using Liturgical Objects Used at Mass Cards.
• Introduce- new object using cards (cruets)
Celebrating the Mass Lesson-
Our Gifts
In most churches a basket is passed around and the people can contribute some money to help support the church. The Church uses that money to help pay for the Church expenses and contributions for the community and around the world. It takes money to buy various things like candles, instruments, books, music, etc. The money is also used for missionaries, charities, running the church, church maintenance, food for the poor, etc.
During the collection, we are sitting and a hymn is sung while the altar is being prepared and the gifts are being brought together. A corporal, purificator, Sacramentary, paten, and chalice are all placed on the altar. We continue to sing while our gifts as well as the bread and wine are brought from the congregation to the presider of the Mass in a procession. Have you ever helped bring the gifts up to the priest? What did you carry?
Tithing is our contribution to the support of the Church; which is one tenth of one’s yearly income given to the Church. The word tithe (write this on the board) means that a tenth of everything your land produces (company produces, or what you make) belongs to God.
Do we sit or stand during the preparation of the gifts? (Sit)
What things do we (or our parents) give to the church? (Money, time, food for the poor, coats and clothes for people who need them, etc.)
What is the money given to the church used for? (Missionaries, charities, running the church, church maintenance, food for the poor, etc.)
What else is carried to the presider of the Mass along with our gifts of money? (The bread and wine.)
Celebrating the Mass Activity-
Lesson 15 craft- “Children Discover the Mass” by Mary Doefler Dall, page 67
Lesson Plan-
Jesus is Baptized and go over vocabulary words with students. Read story: “Jesus is Baptized” The Usborne Children's Bible by Heather Amery and ask questions from Take Home Sheet that will be sent home today. Note: When I read the story to the students I usually sit in the chair in the corner by the board and have the students sit on the floor in front of me. After the students have answered the questions about the story, I have them go back to their seats to continue with what is on the lesson plan (activity, craft, game, puzzles/worksheets, etc.). Follow lesson plan and discuss ‘What does baptize mean?’ with the class.
Craft- Introduce craft: What hovered over Jesus’ head after he was baptized? (A white dove.)
Taking Flight- A bird that can be a dove that you make out of white paper and using the child's handprints. (From the Hands of a Child by Anthony Flores, page 41).
Mini Book-
lambsongs.co.nz- “John the Baptist” by Jill Kemp
Have students read the mini book out loud in class by taking turns (each read a page) and take home to read to their parents. Students can also color mini book.
Game- Introduce game: Who was baptized by his cousin? (Jesus)
Jesus Basketball
Need: Trashcan and 2 balled up pieces of paper for balls.
Directions: Put a trashcan against a wall. Have students line up in two teams behind a chair (to keep them from getting too close to basket). Students then play Horse Basketball, but spell Jesus. The first team that spells JESUS wins.
Puzzles & Worksheets- While students are doing puzzles/worksheets, etc. they may say a prayer. Students are asked to recite 5 prayers by the end of the year. A “We Know Our Prayers” chart is on the bulletin board. If the student can recite the prayer correctly, write the date on the chart, and they get to pick a prize from the prize bag.
Jesus is Baptized- Hidden Pictures: Explore Hidden Treasures in God’s Word Grade 1-3 by Linda Standke, page 18
Homework- Give each student a Jesus is Baptized Take Home Sheet for their parents to go over with them to review what we have done in class. Parents need to help their child fill this out and bring back to class the following week. Students that complete their homework and bring it back to class will be able to play Homeworkopoly. Each Sunday the students make a mini story book and/or story wheel in class. Students need to read these to their parents (or the parents read to them) the mini book and/or story wheel for homework.
What will you do in your classroom or home? Please comment so I can add the link to your blog to this post. We would love to see what you do!
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