The exercise made me think of the years when I was a blood donor (and the reason for stopping, she hastened to add, is because her low blood pressure caused a tendency to faint after donating), when there would be a list of colorful behaviors and the question of "have you EVEN ONCE" done any of these things. (The EVEN ONCE in all caps always reminded me of the clothing pattern instructions that would shout RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER, but that is a whole nuther thing entirely.) I'd look down the list and rather wistfully check "no" beside each box. This always made me feel like a really dull person.
Just so you know, I had nothing to report on today's form in any of the questionable areas including stalking, prostitution and related offenses, and all of the others. I'm not sure what "institutional sexual assault" could be, but I'm pretty sure I haven't done it and certainly haven't been arrested for it.
In the interest of full disclosure, however, I did EVEN ONCE receive a traffic ticket for going 30 in a 15 mph zone. This was in 1980, in Cuyahoga Falls, and is prolly still a blemish on My Permanent Record.
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