Sunday, August 14, 2011

They sure are crazy in Jersey, and bye bye Tim.

Oh my! There was a mass murder in Jersey. Some wack job stabbed seven people to death--including three children. Now, in case you were wondering, I am not writing about New Jersey; I am referring to the British island of Jersey.

This has not been a good couple of weeks for the British.

"LONDON (AP) — A man was arrested on suspicion of stabbing six people to death, including three children, on the British island of Jersey in what was the deadliest crime in the community's living memory, police said.
Neighbors said Sunday the victims were members of the same family. The dead, all Jersey residents, were a man, two women and three children, police said.
Some were stabbed inside their home, others outside the property, which is located on a relatively secluded side street. The 30-year-old suspect, who was not identified, also sustained unspecified injuries that were not life-threatening. Police said they were questioning him at his hospital bed." [Source]

So let's see now; there were approximately five deaths attributed to the London riots, and this wacko just goes out and tops that number in one fell murderous swoop.

Goodbye Tim Pawlenty, we hardly knew ya.

"Bland cheese curd/make-believe Republican candidate Tim Pawlenty ended his candidacy today in a desperate bid to convince voters he had been running for the GOP nomination. As his announcement came on a Sunday morning when news editors were at their orgy mansions in the Hamptons and regular GOP voters were sleeping off their oxycontin in church, the move did little to combat the reality that Tim Pawlenty doesn’t even exist.
The Christian Science Monitor mentions Pawlenty’s exit in passing, in this article that’s ostensibly about Tim Pawlenty quitting the 2012 race:
Candidates who go all-in but fall well short in Ames typically find it difficult to raise money, and without personal wealth to fall back on, Mr. Pawlenty decided to cut his losses and bow out. In addition, the entry of Texas Gov. Rick Perry into the race Saturday, combined with Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann’s victory in the straw poll, has shifted the focus to their expected battle for the hearts and minds of conservatives.
Good-bye, what’s his name! Hello, crazee lady and guy who was Al Gore’s former campaign manager and who also is hated by God. [CSM]" [Source]

"..regular GOP voters were sleeping off their oxycontin in church.."

Damn I wish I had written that. It is insightful.

Anywhoo, Tim is out and Rick is in. Rick is much more colorful than Tim, so Rick should generate some excitement for the base. Much like Sarah did and Michele is doing now.

BTW, is it true that the drought is so bad in Texas that they are recycling sewage water in one Texas town? Yes, I think it is. Hmmm, Perry running for President and a Texas town recycling sewage water. Now there is a perfect metaphor if I have ever seen one.

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