It has been so long since I fired up this little blog that I forgot the user name and password to get in.
Then I had to look around to figure out how to post a new post.
How can something I did nearly daily for 5 years get so blurry so fast? My last post was only February.
In my defense, if you could view my life from my vantage point, you'd see that it is like one of those front loading washers with events swirling and swishing by, eventually circling around to the first event again, making you dizzy.
From March until yesterday, I have carried with me at all times 3 notebooks full of notes; one for my dad's medical notes because he was diagnosed with cancer, one for Kristin's graduation open house, and one for Katie's wedding.
Also, tucked away in Kristin's open house notes were notes for Jordan, who graduated from college.
So, yes, one very ill father, two graduates, one bride, pretty much within a month or two.
Swirl, baby, swirl!

But I have missed hashing out life on here, so I'm attempting a comeback, if you will.
What I want to say today, the day after my daughter's wedding, is that I now feel as if I've been inducted into a special club because this experience has been so rich, so frustrating, so emotional, so exhausting, that it's really difficult to describe unless you've survived it. Just like the former United States Presidents' Club, you can't know what it's like until you've held this office.
From now on, when a mom tells me, "My daughter's getting married," I will immediately empathize with her and join her "team." I know what lies ahead of her, and I will be there in person or on line with support--because the hazing for this exclusive club is rough! One moment you're happy, the next you're melancholy, the next you're frustrated, then overwhelmed, then just plain fried.
Nevertheless, yesterday proved joyful, meaningful and happy beyond words. Sometimes, you're so happy that something is over and yet so happy that something is beginning, all you can do is dance!

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