Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend to You!

Happy Labor Day Weekend to You!

Hope you're enjoying yourself on this beautiful weekend. I have been, for sure.

Saturday morning, we headed of to a nearby town, Marion, home of James Dean. According to,

Fairmount, IN, is often listed as the birth site of James Dean, but he was actually born in Marion, Indiana. When entering Marion on Indiana 18, you cross a set of railroad tracks just before entering the old downtown. There is a former train station on the left, and directly across the street is a Goodyear Tire sign at the corner of a small parking lot. Just next to the base of this sign is a small boulder honoring 'Mr. Marion,' a local sportscaster, and just behind this rock is a metal star affixed to the pavement marking the birth site of James Dean.

So if you ever come to Muncie, I will drive you north a little ways to see the tracks, the Goodyear Tire sign, the parking lot, the rock, and the birthplace of not only "Mr. Marion" but also James Dean. Exciting, I know!--It's really true what they say: "There's more than corn in Indiana." There are rocks and Goodyear Tire signs. What cracks me up is that they made a star for him, but they tore down his house.

Anyway, Kristin's cross country meet was in Marion.

Keeping in step (no punt intended) with last year's XC posts, I present to you, MORE smack-talk cross country t-shirts:

But my favorite (meaning, the worst) smack talk shirt I did not get a picture of. It said, "Pass the weak/Hurdle the dead." Niiiiice.

OK, this one is not so much smack-talk, but it does speak to me through its mis-punctuation:

And here are some actual pictures of my actual child which I actually took MYSELF this time!! Yay, Mom!

You will notice, a-hem, that my child appears to be in a league of her own. Let's just say she inherited my racing genes, unfortunately. But I'm durn proud of her for pushing through and demonstrating perseverance.

And for those like my child lagging behind, here is a kind note of encouragement, perhaps, implying, "You also, are going to finish this race:"

And last but not least, he is my ironing board daughter accepting literally but not figuratively a hug from me. Note the cinnamon dolce, which provided the warmth missing from a certain hug:

After the meet, we went to Indy to pick up a new bike for Jorge the Jabanero. This man, the most selfless person I've ever met, finally agreed to buy himself a new bike. He's been riding an old one almost daily for 5 years to work. He has never had a hobby. Never played golf when the kids were little. Never gardened. Never went to Vegas. Never did anything solely for himself, but now, he has a brand-spankin' new bike, and it is beautiful! So happy for him! Here it is:

Sunday, we went to church, then we cooked out. It was very nice because Katie and her boyfriend, Shad, (coolest name ever, I know) my son, Jordan, his girlfriend, Natalie, and Kristin and Zoe, of course, were all together for this little meal. Nothing fancy, but it was good and we enjoy the kids immensely. I have more to say, but this post is already epic in length, so I'll stop here. PLEASE share your weekend delights, as well!

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