Friday, September 26, 2008

Project 365 ~ Week 38

Last Saturday's event was heading over to my brother-in-law's to celebrate his birthday. Clearly the candle wasn't quite enough to illuminate the photo but I hope you get the happy birthday vibe.

Sunday morning I had brunch with my dear friend Annabel. We meet on a regular basis to support and inspire each other in our pursuit of a fulfilling entrepreneurial life.

I was back in one of my old neighbourhoods and stopped for a coffee before heading out to get my haircut. It's funny. I remember when I moved into this 'hood. I had never been there and knew nothing about it and now I still have a sense of comfort and home when I'm there.
I subbed for a friend of mine and taught Nia in this lovely space. The class was welcoming and it was great fun to move and groove with them.

I launched The Next Chapter. And the first book we'll be blogging is Soul Coaching. You are welcome to join us on the journey.

Thursday was an amazing day. Romana Mirza and I presented a learning lab on Blogging in Design Cyberspace at IIDEX NeoCon. I so thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. It was great to work with Romana, to develop content around something we both feel passionately about and to share it with creative people whom it could really help in their business. I loved it. I definitely mentioned to the Universe, "More of this, please"

We presented on Friday as well. I spent a bit of the day exploring the exhibition. It was rich with creativity and beauty. I just ate it up! I'm going to write more about the experience soon because there was just so much to share.

This has really been a rich week! I mean, I even had a chance to wear my shiny new shoes! (See picture 7)

Project 365 is my attempt to capture a year in my life through a photograph a day. On Saturday's I'll post the week's pics. At the end of the year, I'll create a video of all these precious moments. Feel free to participate at any time. Yours can be Project 347 or Project 292. It's up to you.

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