Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Montreal ~ Day 2

I hope you'll indulge me as I continue to share about our Montreal journeys. It was such a good time that I must have looked over yesterday's pictures 50 times throughout the day imagining I was back there! We found this lovely cafe near the hotel with excellent coffee, suitably standoffish service and a little wifi tablet so I could send Shannon the worst spelled note that we were safe and sound that was ever written!

This morning we went to our first museum - Pointe-a-Calliere. This was all about the history of the region. The basement, where I'm pictured here, is part archeological dig and part display. This started out as one of those "well, we have to go there" history places but we really enjoyed it and spent hours reading and exploring. It is much larger than it seems. One thing that was really cool was at the end they had contemporary exhibits, including some created by children, about people's perceptions of their Montreal.

After all that history it was time to be outside in the sun enjoying lunch on a patio by the waterfront.

Across the way we could see some of excitement that was Expo all those years ago. We didn't manage to get there this time.

Then we explored Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours, often referred to as the Sailors' Church. You can see the carved wooden boats hanging from the ceiling.

Then we ventured onto the Metro for the first time. It was easy to navigate and get from point A to point B. One key was that direction is described by the end stop of the line as opposed to east/west, etc.
We explored the Plateau Mont-Royal and found this awesome little spot for smoothies. I have to say, we felt very at home here - which doesn't explain this sort of stunned look on my face, lol.

We ended up at one of the must-go-to places, Schwartz's, famous for it's smoked meat. As you can see, it was packed. The atmo was awesome - full of life and energy and interesting people. I'm not a huge meat eater but I have to say, the sandwiches were awesome. A great way to end the day.

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