Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Recent Ahas

So much has been going on lately. My business is growing, and so am I. Every day it becomes clearer how much building a business is a creative act. Perhaps you start with an inspiration or something that grabs your attention and you follow the energy. Before you know it, you're building something, spontaneously responding to challenges and insights. Maybe you start developing a vision, a dream of where you'd like this venture to take you. Before you know it, the work is both an expression of you and takes on a life of its own.

Last night I attended a monthly meeting of a group I'm in that supports each other in moving forward towards our dreams. Generally we set our vision for the month and also for each week and our accountability helps move us forward. I really encourage you to get together a group of friends or colleagues and create a structure that supports you all. If you want more information about how we've structured our group, just email me and I'd be happy to share. If you'd like a more formal structure or to connect to other creative bloggers, consider signing up for my June Circe's Circle. There was huge growth, learning and connection for the last group, and I know there would be for you too.

One of the great things about a group like this is that it creates a space and time to acknowledg all that you've achieved and also to lock in the learning and growing that you've done. This month has been full of ahas for me, so I thought I would share them in case they would be helpful on your journey too.

Jamie's Recent Ahas
  • As I've come to know that what I do has deep value for my right client, I do not take it personally at all when someone isn't interested. I simply know they aren't my right client.

  • I so deeply love working with my right client that I don't have space in my practice for people that aren't a good fit. I hope they find the absolute right coach or Nia teacher or tarot reader for them and I make way for the people whom my skills are truly meant to serve.

  • When I dress like my best me, it amps up my confidence and supports me in rocking it out.

  • I love rocking it out.

  • A lot of business goals like defining what you do or writing promotional material are much easier for me when they have a purpose as opposed to being an exercise. I recently updated my profiles on LinkedIn and BizNik and was suddenly motivated to write well about what I do.

  • How you represent yourself and your company will evolve and take time to perfect. Unfortunately they don't grow as strong or as quickly in the privacy of your own office/basement/journal as they do when you put them out there.

  • Sometimes you only have to have a general idea of what you want. The Universe can fill in the details (maybe even better than you could have on your own!)

  • If you absolutely loved a particular craft fair, a particular client, a particular way something was presented, ask yourself what it is about it that you loved - and voila, you've learned something about what's important to you. Through this process I realized my ideal clients are smart, creative and stuck.

  • You can tweak an opportunity to suit you.

  • My new money mantra: As I invest my money in my life, even more money flows back to me.

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