Thank you so much, everyone, for your birthday wishes yesterday. Every thought, word and card means so much to me. I hope you'll indulge me as I go overboard with pics from the day for December Views. On my birthday, I woke up to this beautiful lamp from Justin. It's so sparkly that I call it jewellery for the house.
One of the best traditions we ever started was taking each other's birthday's off. I highly recommend it. We bundled up and headed down the The Beaches for a tour around and some breakfast.
This is the local spot where we go for French Toast, OJ, and coffee, coffee, coffee.
Since we're going to be out and about a lot this year for Christmas and we've both been working so hard, we might not get a tree this year. Instead we bought this crazy pointsetta topiary tree. It cracks me up.
When we got home, I opened this spectacular gift from my sister Suzie. She made me my very own Wishcasting amulet! I know it is infused with magic. Thank you, Suzie!
After a little break at home, Justin and I met up with Shannon to see The Golden Compass. I adored it. It's not a perfect movie by any means but it was magical and just where I wanted to be. 
Afterwards I got a chance to have my picture taken with an up-and-coming star...
Then we went out for a scrumptious dinner at a restaurant we just love and haven't been to in ages. In fact, Justin and I went there for one of our first dates.
Shannon got me the Stitch'n-Bitch book and I'm so excited to explore! She and I took our first knitting class together last winter, which was really fun.
It was a great day, a marvellous night, a wonderful birthday. It was awesome to be able to spend it with Justin and Shannon and now with you too! I sincerely hope the next year of my life will be magic!
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