Friday, March 10, 2006

Did You Press It?

Well come forward and say so if you did because I want to Thank You! I want to thank everyone who was kind enough to press that Easy Button for me and keep us in your thoughts..because you know why..I think it worked!

And I'll tell you why if you'll let me.

Many of you may know Scott is a Realtor..and hard..always has. This job means he works 7 days a week, leaves at all hours of the day, answers every call no matter what time(well okay not after 10) gives up his weekends with the kids and I all for others. It's just his job..we get that. What is hard is that there is no salary, no set's scary at times..very very scary. And this last week..we hit the scariest week ever where you're seriously contemplating having to do things that you never dreamed you'd do. No need to say more..let's just say he was seeing a For Sale sign in our yard! He has been working a sale since December..they have been on every up and down hill..first contingency, then can they swing a bridge loan, then inspections then the final issue..Septic Tank problems. It got really awful..and the clients after all this decided after months and countless times of going and sitting across the road from the house to "look" at it..their dream drop everything. I was standing next to Scott when it happened and he and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The reason..he hasn't had a closing since January and even though he's got listings...the market is so slow and we were facing hard the reality of no paychecks and you know..a savings account can only last so long right..I mean..we have 5 people in this family!

I felt deep down it wasn't over. If they loved it as much as they did and so badly wanted out of the city for a better life for their son(a family who adopted a child with a different skin color and received taunts and harrassment)would just walk away. So thanks to everyone who pressed that button, Scott talked to someone at the Title company who explained that can get an Easement Deed for the part of the Septic system that runs off into the neighbors yard which will in turn grant these new owners, ownership of the land. It's a big to do..but this is the short version. So Scott called..told them what can be done and that all parties would agree to it on the Seller side and the neighbor. He(the clients) had to sleep on it..we found out late yesterday..that they have agreed..contract back on..and it looks like the Sandvoss Family survives another day.

I can't say thanks enough to you all! This job is just this's so crazy..we have highs and low lows..but this low was the scariest by far. So let's hope this all still comes together and the first week of April we can finally see a paycheck for him..all in all as I told Scott..we have lots to be thankful for!

And are you ready..good things really are abound in this house...there is a Creating Keepsakes Convention coming here to St. Louis in April. I can't wait to go. But I decided instead of taking's hard to take as I love to sign up to be a Teacher's Assistant. Well, I finally found out that they are using me..and the best..are you ready...I get to TA the classes I wanted to watch out Becky and Mary Jo and anyone else coming..I'll be TA'ing with Elsie, Donna Downey both the morning and afternoon sessions..Elsie twice, Donna once and then Stacey Crongier with Paper Crafts. So right now...I am just as happy as can be and can't wait to go and help! I'll be there from 7:30am until 5:30pm helping and then hopefully a little shopping in between. I think I will earn $60 in $$ to use at the CK booth! I can't wait to meet everyone there..let me know which ones we'll get to see each other at! Oh and how silly would it be for me to email Elsie and Donna and introduce myself beforehand..I think that is a nice thing to do and of course ask their favorite I can bring it. I know Stacey a bit as they are publishing some of my Bo Bunny work in an upcoming I'll email her and tell her I am looking forward to meeting her in person too. LMK!

Well I need to go..I just wanted every one of you to know that button pushing really helped..and I can't thank you guys enough! I'll keep you posted on that April closing! It's never done till it's it's not over..but I feel much better..

Future TA,


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