Snapped some pics at Grandma and Grandpa's's a really nice one of the r5 of us...

The picture of the pj's left for the kids by Santa..the kids were trying to outwit us and wouldn't go downstairs knowing he was coming soon!haha

Fast forward to Christmas morning..lots and lots of presents to's some good pictures of the kids favorite gifts they opened..
Here's one of Haley's..

One of Parker's...

And one of Connor's many cool gifts..(that I want!)

So what did I get you ask..a matching pair of Tanzanite earrings set in Platnium to match my ring I was given 3 Christmas' ago..a complete and total suprise! The best kind!! He also popped into my stocking the Black Eyed Peas and new Madonna Cd's!!!
It was a really nice holiday! Hope yours was too!!!!!!!!
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